Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights

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"So, what did Ron and Hermione do, Neville," Harry asked his friend after they left the Light & Dark classroom.

"Gave us all a headache, that's what," Krinos said. "I had to take three headache potions in that class alone, not to mention how many everyone else took."

"How can any two people be that annoying," T'challa looked disgusted by that type of behavior. "Not even animals behave like that and I should know since I spend a lot of time as a jungle cat."

"The question would be easier if you asked what they didn't do," Neville sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know that I have never been the most outspoken of people, but those two are the most annoying people that I have ever met in my life. And that says something since I grew up with a LOT of pompous purebloods."

"What class did you have before," Harry asked him. "The one you had with them?"

"It was Magical Creatures class with Professor Breeze," Krinos said. "Professor Breeze was talking about the creatures that we would be learning about this year. Including unicorns, griffins, sphinxes, hippocampus, gargoyles, and I think she also mentioned oni and kitsune as well."

"That is all very interesting," Harry says. "Those creatures will certainly be very cool to learn about."

"It seemed like a great class," Neville said. "At least until Ron and Hermione could not keep their mouths shut. Ron went on a giant rant about dark creatures, such as gargoyle and kitsune. He would not shut up about how they were evil and that all we needed to learn was how to kill them."

"That's horrible," White gasped. "Gargoyles may not have the best origins, but they are now used to ward off evil beings all across the world. Especially with mundane churches."

"Tell that to Ron," Harry growled. "Since the moment I met him, Ron has always been the biggest voice when it came to spreading that stupid prejudice against all things Slytherin and anything else even remotely related to black magic. Though, he uses the term dark magic."

"You are obviously going to do very well in Light & Dark class," Hawk chuckled.

"From what I know and have seen, he was basically taught that by his mother," Harry told them all. "Mrs.Weasley has also always been against Slytherins and dark magic. When we were staying with my godfather over the summer, she basically was driving everyone crazy with how she wanted to clean the house from top to bottom. Saying that it would help literally clean away the darkness of his house. My godfather may have come from an evil family, but she still had no right to just take charge like that since he was the only one that even knew where all of his family's cursed objects were. He never even asked her for help. She just decided it because 'there was no way she would allow her family in such an evil house.' It disgusts me how she had no respect for my godfather at all."

He did not say Sirius's name since he did not know how Neville, T'challa, White, and Hawk would react. After all, Sirius was known as a mass murderer. Krinos might know about Sirius, but the others did not. He would have to think about telling them at some point. Especially since Olivia was giving Sirius sanctuary in magical Greece. That will definitely be big news once it gets out. And given Harry's usual luck, it will be getting out even when the Greek magic council was not as corrupt as the British Ministry of Magic. Harry was sure that if anyone actually got corrupt on the council, Olivia would send that person back to the stone age.

"Has it always been so black and white over there," White asked. "And I say that while fully aware of what my name is."

"I bet that it is not the same for everyone, but Slytherins and dark wizards, in general, are all seen as evil," Neville said. "It doesn't matter if they are eleven-year-olds that have just been sorted or adults that used to be in Slytherin. They are all seen as dark and evil."

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