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This is gonna be Snape's pov cause why not !



Snape's pov : 

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Snape's pov : 

I decided to skip breakfast because surprisingly i overslept, and that also means i'm in a bad mood because I didn't provide my body with his daily dose of delicious black coffee.. 
( y'all I'm writing this and imagining Alan's voice, and I'm just over here dying ... ) 

I checked the timeline for today's classes, i have to teach the 7th year students, at least I'm not gonna be teaching those insufferable dunderhead kids, at least they have some knowledge.. so it wouldn't be as bad, and they have double potion, how great ! . I'm ready to deduct points and distribute some detentions .. today is going to be great. 

I entered the classroom, not in the mood to do my normal "the dungeon bat is entering " entering.. i went straight to the board and wrote the draught of living death .. 

I turned around and spoke 

" who can tell me what's a draught of living death " I look around and I see miss Wilson rising her hand 

"Yes miss Wilson " and then i suddenly hear her speak but her lips are not moving...

" oh shit, don't miss it up, be confident " she was talking in her mind, how in the hell am suddenly able to hear her thoughts?

" The Draught of Living Death is an extremely powerful sleeping Draught, sending the drinker into a deathlike slumber sir " she said nervously 

I can still hear her think 

"Very well, .. today you will all be brewing this potion, fail to do so and I'll be deducting house points, if you do succeed however, i will be giving house points, am i being clear? " 

Everybody mumbled a yes sir .. 

I went to sit and kept my eyes on my book, but i can still hear her speak in her mind .. 

"Okay add the bloody infusion of wormwood, okay that's looking good, Okay.. now add powdered root okaaay it's working... oh oh oh stir twice clockwise.. ok ok ok .. Merlin" 

"Why the fuck should I cut the sopophorous? no bitch I'm going to crush it .. it will release more juice and also it won't be fucking jumping around.. uuh okay but what if professor won't let me ... omg you fucking wanker just do it! .. okay I'm gonna see if he's looking at my direction " 

I quickly looked the other way .. this is kinda interesting but i didn't take her for a cussing girl .. interesting...

"Okay okay he is not looking.. quicklyyyy crush the bean! Okaaaaaay omg omg omg put it iiiinnnnn .. *internal screaming * omg .. done it .. phew .. okay let's continue... " 

I tried so hard to hide my laughter.. she's cute.

"What the! They said stir it 7 times anti clockwise but like.. but that doesn't make sense, I'm just gonna add a clockwise stir after every 7 times until it's done, Okay that should do .. honestly who wrote this book, he is one dumbass. " 

Then she started singing this odd song 

"When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke, cause I move a little slow when I dance~~, 
I can count on you after all that we've been through
Cause I know that you'll always understand

I won't act my age, no I won't act my age
No, I'll still feel the same around you, hey

Tututruturtu turututu terairairairai tututurututu terairairairairairai 

When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke
Cause the stories that I told, I tell again and again
I can count on you after all we got up to
Cause I know that you truly understand~~~ 

Oooh it's done 

Easy put it in the fucking thing ... oooooh done!" 

Her mind is amusing, i wonder why is it so loud, meaning why can i hear it .. I wonder if i finally can inter her mind and see her past...

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