Love On Me (Mature)

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Warning: This chapter will include boyxboy intercourse so please if you do not aprove or want to read this, then don't. Nobody is making you.

But I mean...its smut so why the hell not

Also I suck at writing smut so prepare…

And also if you would like to stop reading before the smut, I have put where to stop... -Sharbear

I had been watching closely after Luke after what happened that night. I wasnt mad. I was just sad, because he could have woken me up, but he didn't. What made me happy though was when he told me that he did try to distract himself. It made me happy knowing that he was at least trying. Right now we were lying in bed, watching tv because we had nothing better to do. For some reason I started thinking about what he asked me the other night.

I was inside playing on my phone, being bored when Luke walked in, looking as beautiful as ever. He sat down next to me and snuggled into my side. “Ash?”

I hummed in response, “Yes Lukey?”

He sighed nervously. “C-Can you um...I-...I was wondering if maybe-”

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Its okay, you can ask me anything.”

He just nodded and took a deep breath. I was wondering why he was nervous. “C-can you t-take me?” It took me 27348378 seconds to actually process what he meant, and he was a blushing mess while i just thought: OH.

But I couldn't stop my smile as it spread. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. “How about we wait, so I can make it special.”

He just blushed more and nodded.

I had waited a few days just so I could think of a way to make it special. what I had decided was to kick the boys out of the house for a few hours, which didn't make Luke very happy as he stated that he wanted to be with me. I just pecked his lips and asked nicely. Eventually he did leave with Calum and Michael, after I had secretly asked them to only bring Luke home afterward. Getting my hint, they nodded and followed Luke out the door.

I sighed as I set down the last few things on the table and lit the candles. I was going to start with dinner and a little bit of dancing, before taking him upstairs. I had made spaghetti, because it was the only thing I knew how to make considering Luke did all the cooking in the house. There was two candles, those really tall ones that you saw in the movies, and I had also placed candles all over the room making a nice aroma go around. It was vanilla, because that was Lukes favorite scent of candle. The lights were dimmed, so you were at least able to walk through the house without falling over something. There was soft music playing, and I had gotten flowers for luke. They were white roses, because they were his favorite.

I had gotten a text from Michael saying that they were about ten minutes away, so with that I went upstairs to change and get the bedroom ready. My nerves were starting to build up. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a few things, then started sitting up everything.

Once I was done I changed into a white tanktop, and then I pulled on a black leather vest, with some black skinny jeans. I didn't bother putting on shoes, I didn't see the point. But I pulled on some black socks instead. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair. I nodded to myself and walked downstairs right as I heard the car stop in front of the house. I took a deep breath and grabbed the white roses and hid them behind my back as Luke walked through the door.

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