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(Don't play the song yet)

Ranboo wandered aimlessly across the destruction of L'Manberg, passing by still crumbling buildings and new formed cliffs, thoughts and emotions filling his being as he gazed across the pit of what was once a very happy and stable nation.

He didn't know why he came here, but he felt like he had to. He thought it would be a good idea to see if anything was salvagable but clearly, nothing was. He still felt really sad at the sight of his once not blown up home but he shrugged off his emotions, not wanting to let a few tears loose while out and about.

The teen usually bundled up his emotions because he doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems, he knew this wasn't healthy but he didn't trust anyone enough with his thoughts about everything from experiences from his past.

He may seem like a person who trusts everyone but hes the complete opposite. Hes always wearing a mask so no one would get suspicious but his emotions were starting to resurface and it was making the boy grow irritated at the constant need to cry. He knew he had to get his emotions out somehow but he didn't know how.

Every method he has tried hasn't worked, they just made him even more emotional which was the exact opposite of what the teen wanted. But there was one thing he hadn't tried. Singing. Yes, it may sound cliché but he hadn't tried it yet and he wasn't planning to, not unless he absolutely had too.

But recently he had slowly started to grow desperate to let his emotions out, almost slipping up a couple of times infront of Techno, Phil and Tubbo.

He had no other choice but to sing and who knows? Maybe it would work, maybe it would not, but he wouldn't know until he tested it out.

That's why he was even in the remenants of L'Manberg, he was trying to find an isolated spot to 'practise' his singing.

On the way to L'Manberg, he had run into the former president, that being Tubbo. The two coversed for a bit but Ranboo seemed nervous, his eyes darting swiftly across the land and his hands fiddling with one another. Tubbo was curious at the teens odd behaviour but knew it probably wasn't a good idea to ask about it at that moment.

The two bid eachother farewell and went on their merry ways, at least, that's what Ranboo thought. Tubbo had been trailing behind the tall boy after their little concersation, following his footsteps silently and with caution. He was going to find out what was wrong with Ranboo, even if it meant barging in on his privacy, he was going to have to apologise for his actions later but Ranboos mental health and well being came first.

As Tubbo trailed behind the tall boy, three others had decided to join him on his little quest. Those people being Phil, Jack and Niki.

The three were curious about the strange behaviour the boy had been displaying, they all encountered the boy and had grown suspicious of his actions and had all, surprisingly, had the bright idea of following the boy instead of being blunt and demanding to be told what's wrong with the boy and what was bothering him.

That's what's lead up to now; the four hiding behind a couple large bushes while the teen sat on the ground a few feet away from them, seemingly deep in thought. They were a little ways away from the destruction of L'Manberg, you could only just see manifold land from where they were, implying that they would still be able to get home.

The boy was thinking of a song, something emotional, something that held a deep meaning.

He thought for a couple minutes..... then it clicked. He cleared his throat, remembering the lyrics of the song that he would be singing.

(Play the song now)

"Hey you know, if I could erase the world in front of me
Do you think I could laugh and cry and smile more vividly?
Though all the same I know my heart will break in pain
Just run away and don't say anything" Ranboo sang, his eyes gazing longingly across the brush of the bushes he was surrounded in, his voice surprising the group of people with how well he sang.

"Hey you know, if I could forget all that's because of me
Do you think I could erase the tears and live my life painlessly?
Though still I know that I can't block out all the pain
It's all the same, don't show me anything"

"Even as the space between us two may collapse
All I have is a heart breaking fast
Give it back"

"How cruel of you, how cruel of you, shatter my heart 'till it breaks in two
Tear painfully, 'till I break and bleed, do anything that you want of me
I still cry, though I try, to scream and fight you pass me by
Come take hold of me, ever gently, don't let me go though I cry and say
"It's okay." Ranboo continued, unknowingly getting up from the spot he had once settled down on, going to stand infront of a little stream that ran through the small bit of forest that he was in, his heterochromic eyes staring at his reflection; his tail curling around his legs.

"Hey you know, if my deepest thoughts could still come true someday
I would wish, I could be like you and laugh the pain away
But I don't have the heart to turn away from fear
If nothing more
Could you just stay right here?" Ranboo muttered, tears starting to well up in his eyes as memories that he thought were long gone started flashing through his head.

"Even as every day you show me nothing but love
All I have is a heart breaking up
Not enough"

"Just stop it please, just stop it please, your kind embrace, is killing me
I'm breaking and can't understand that kindness and warmth within your hands
It's hurting me, it's hurting me, speak in your words tell me everything
I'll never know, tell me where to go
Don't go and leave me all alone" Ranboo uttered quietly, collapsing to his knees infront of the small stream.

"How cruel of you, how cruel of you, shatter my heart 'till to breaks in two
Tear painfully, 'till I break and bleed, do anything that you want of me
I still cry, though I try, to scream and fight you pass me by
Come take hold of me, ever gently, don't let me go even as I say
"It's okay." Ranboo yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks like waterfalls as his skin steamed, his voice full of emotion; his hands going up to his head, clutching his hair as he shouted the lyrics.

"Hey you know, if I had a heart that beat for you and me
Do you think I could find that love so deep inside of me?
You smile softly and you said to me so clear
"It all was here just come and stay with me." Ranboo finished, his tears slowing down as he slumped down on his knees, his voice calming down and his rush of emotions slowly reaching its end.

After the boy wiped away his tears he gazed across the lush greenery, feeling oddly relaxed despite all the emotion he had just let out. He decided to stay there for a bit to just enjoy the peaceful atmosphere that hung over him.

While the people behind him stood in tears. They all exchanged looks of concern, their teary eyed faces falling as realisation dawned on them. That was how the teen truly felt. The group stayed there for a couple of minutes, in shock at what they just heard.

They eventually left the boy on his own, not wanting to let the enderman hybrid know they had heard him.

They finally knew the truth.

1338 words

Sorry if this is slightly cringy, I didn't know how to make the song work with how I wrote.

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