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Toni💣: Hello Cheryl, you look pretty fly !✈️

Cheryl : Hey Toni

Toni💣: sorry if that opening pun was a little plane

Cheryl : no problem

Toni💣: I was just winging it......

Cheryl : so what you doing

Toni💣 : I guess non of those jokes really took off

Toni💣: I'm talking to my girlfriend

Cheryl : awwww🥰🥰 what's her name

Toni💣: well according to her it's Cheryl Marjorie Blossom

Cheryl: you play to damn fucking much

Toni💣: I do play with my pussy a lot
How did you know that you fucking stalker

Cheryl: OMFG TMFI Antoinette

Toni💣: you know you love it you know you care


Toni💣 : never

Cheryl : what type of drugs do you use

Toni💣: pussy juice that's the drug I use, you should try it sometime it's the best one out there

Cheryl: no thank you

Toni : Old macCheryl had a farm e i e i eat my ass

Cheryl : can you not and what happened to your emoji

Toni💣: my friend is a literal Bitch

Cheryl: then they're not your friend

Toni 💣 : nah it's okay I'm a bigger bitch

Cheryl: have you seen the series Ginny and Georgia ?

Toni💣 : no

Cheryl: if I can stab you I will

Toni💣: don't stab me rail me


8:56 am

Toni💣 : knock knock

Cheryl : nooo it's too early for this

Toni 💣 : I said

Toni💣: Knock knock

Cheryl : okay fine

Cheryl : who's there

Toni💣: marry

Cheryl : marry who

Toni 💣: will you marry me

Cheryl : no

Toni💣 oh

Toni 💣: your turn

Cheryl : knock knock

Toni 💣: who's there

Cheryl : broken pencil

Toni 💣: broken pencil who

Cheryl: nevermind, it's pointless

Toni: 😭😭😭😭😭 Good one

Cheryl : your turn

Toni💣 : okay

Toni💣: knock knock

Cheryl: who's there

Toni💣 : Spell

Cheryl : spell who

Toni: W.H.O

Cheryl : 💀💀💀

Cheryl : my turn again

Cheryl: Knock Knock

Toni 💣: who's there

Cheryl : nobell

Toni 💣 :nobell who

Cheryl :no bell, that's why I knocked !!


Cheryl: is this what the dumb author is gonna do the whole chapter

Toni 💣 I think so they're at 374 words they just need some more words to say they "did something"

Cheryl: such a stupid person

Toni 💣 : i know right , normally I would write "ikr" but this dumb bitch made me write " I know right" just to get the more words in

Cheryl : ugh so stupid and now they're making us complain to fill up the chapter

Toni: RIGHT !!

Cheryl : like the knock knock jokes weren't even funny

Toni💣:  say that for yourself

A/N Hi ........bye

Again forget this never happened

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