209 7 4

10:87 am

Cheryl 🍒 : hello dear

Toni 💣 : what a pleasant surprise

Cheryl 🍒 : okay that's enough cut the bullshit

Toni💣: you were the one that texted

Toni 💣 : and also may I say what a nasty volcabulary you have there

Cheryl 🍒: at least spell it right

Toni 💣 : what are you talking about i did

Cheryl 🍒 : no you didn't

Toni 💣 : yes I did

Cheryl 🍒 : just bc you're cute I'll let you win

Toni 💣:.

Cheryl🍒: you got something to say

Toni 💣: no

Cheryl 🍒 : that's what I thought

Toni💣: well I had a dream where I was stuck in a closet with 3 goats that kept barking and then they turned into 2 cows that kept meowing

Cheryl🍒: what the actual fuck

Toni💣:  that's what I said

Cheryl🍒 what type of drugs do you take ???

Toni💣: the white one it's called "holy spirit" it's not available for other people right now but I can hook you up if you're interested

Cheryl🍒: was I suppose to laugh ?

Toni💣: no, you where suppose to masturbate

Cheryl🍒: who said I didn't 🤨

Toni 💣:  when I talk to you I forget that emojis exist


Fangs 🧟‍♂️ : who are you talking to

Toni 💣: your ball sack

13:97 pm

Toni 💣 : I wanna go to the movies with you

Cheryl 🍒 no cs we won't even watch the movie

Toni 💣: you're nasty

Cheryl 🍒: I can't help it

Toni 💣: we've never met once and you're already down to do the dirty dancing bed breaking monkeys jumping nasty

Cheryl 🍒: huh

Toni💣 :sorry I had a minor brain set back

Cheryl 🍒 :sounds like you

Cheryl 🍒: but you're right we've never hung out once that's a bit embarrassing if you ask me

Toni 💣 tbh It is but you know what it is what it is

Cheryl changed "Toni 💣" to Toni 💋"

Cheryl 🍒; you good ?

Toni 💋: I'm always good when I'm talking to you

Cheryl 🍒:  you just made me as bright as my hair

Toni💋: and you just bright up my days

Cheryl 🍒: okay okay enough my cheeks are ab to pop

Toni💋: let's play a game, if you lose I get to do whatever I want and if I lose then I'm not playing anymore

Cheryl🍒: you're such a sore loser

Cheryl 🍒: but bet

Toni💋: okay it's called Rock Paper Scissors

Cheryl🍒: you better be joking

Toni 💋: im FR

Cheryl 🍒: lemme just stfu

Toni💋: okay Rock Paper Scissors

Toni 💋: shoot

Toni 💋: what'd you got ?

Cheryl🍒: rock

Toni💋 : shit i got scissors

Toni 💋: best out of three

Cheryl 🍒; okay

Toni 💋: Rock Paper Scissors shoot

Toni💋; what'd you got ?

Cheryl🍒 : paper

Toni 💋: YES I got scissors

Toni💋 :okay okay last one

Toni 💋 :rock papers scissors

Toni 💋:SHOOT

Cheryl🍒: I got scissors

Toni💋 : I got scissors too

Toni 💋: it's a sign tbh

Cheryl🍒: I think this one I'll listen to

Toni💋: you freaky barking bitch

Cheryl🍒: rock papers scissors

Cheryl🍒: shoot

Toni 💋: I got paper

Cheryl🍒: Damnit I got rock

(She got scissors)


Cheryl 🍒: anytime, now what's my punishment

Toni💋: I wouldn't call it yet a punishment but let's see

Toni💋:bc you lost you have to go on a date with me

Toni 💋: that's if you want to of course

Cheryl🍒: OMG id love tooi

Cheryl🍒 : thought you were gonna make me do something crazy like wipe your ass or something

Toni💋: you ruined the whole moment, but I'm glad we're both happy about it

Cheryl 🍒: I'm beyond happy just tell me when and where and I'll be there

Toni💋: how about today at 7?

Cheryl🍒: WAIT I need like 4 hours to prepare it's gonna be like the first time we see each other

Toni💋: stfu

Cheryl🍒: rude

Toni💋: LMFAO I meant to send it to my friend


Selena or hailey ☠️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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