•Chapter 1•

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~Heart breaker~

Over summer break I stayed at my grandmothers beach house. It was amazing waking up to the sound of waves and the view was even better.

There were two big glass doors in my room that lead out onto the beach. Next to the doors was a small desk and chair and then my double bed. It was decorated in white and cream colours so it felt really light and airy.

I spent most of my time on the beach sun bathing, trying to look my best and get a tan before I went back to Hogwarts.

I had grown a bit of a back bone since I left the train station the last day of 5th year. That wasn't the only way I had grown, I also got more curves it was annoying because I attracted unwanted attention from boys but I learnt to get used to it.

I knew everyone was going to have something to say about my 'glow up' and I didn't care. I'm sick of caring about what others think.

I learnt a lot about my mother when we got to the beach house, my grandmother never talks about my mother but I think being in the same place she raised my mother brought back memories.

We were sitting on the beach my grandmother was reading a book and I was laying on my stomach making use of the sun before I had to go back to Hogwarts. Then my grandmother stopped reading and looked at me.

"can I ask you something?" I said hesitantly.

"Of course dear" she said sending me a small smile.

"When did she become so... wicked? Was there a reason?" I sent her a concerned smile back.

"She wasn't always like that. She became a death eater when she left school, I wasn't happy about it but she is still my daughter. She was chosen for a reason, maybe it was that she is good at hiding her emotions or maybe he saw something dark in her... what ever the reason she still became a death eater and she did as she was told. It wasn't long before she was sent to kill innocent muggles. And she fell in love with one of them, your father. She hated it she thought it made her weak but she stayed with him. The dark lord found out and tested her loyalty to him. And..." she paused.

"Made her kill him. She did it and the heart break drove her insane. She was scared of the consequences of denying the dark lord. She became numb to all emotions and took it out on her victims... until she was finally sent to Azkaban... then 9 months later she had you and I took custody of you."

"D- do you think I'll end up like her?" I stuttered.

"No. I know that's the last thing you want... and you're nothing like her." She said reassuringly.

My mother kidnapped me when she escaped Azkaban, i still have night terrors to this day. But I don't like to talk about it to my grandmother. I don't want her to feel guilty. It's not her fault.

This story made me realise, i can either be heart broken or a heart breaker.

And I'd rather be a heart breaker.


A/n: hey guys, I know this probably isn't going to get many views but I hope you liked it. I love writing these. Tysm for reading 🖤

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