The Legend of Spoderman

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Johnny is now currently floating in space when a worm hole appears and Johnny goes in. Meanwhile in the Alternate Universe it has been 4 years due to the sun orbiting my b**ls so Anthony has a kid with  Aural called Joe but Anthony is currently hittin on Katchthis Everrdeezs a survivor of the Poverty Games. Anthony simply told Aural "I was just showing her my pen-15 remember the new one," but just as Anthony turned around yo auntie broke his spine and punches him. When Johnny arrives, Anthony suggests that he alter the weapons to allow destroying Johnny, in the name of "big balls,". When this is announced, with the Tributes to Fat Mama every one has a moment of silence due to all the dead people of the Poverty Games. PeKa Mokingjay confesses to Katchthis there relationship can't go on and confesses to Kaththis he is .... GAY. So the homophobic leader Hibibi goes out and kills Peka. The johnny activates a Tsar Bomb which leads to Mass Genocide and the destruction of this Universe and the two rulers of the universe Stan Lee and Gabe Newell the gay lords who upset all fanboys and cause fanfiction enough to make a parody of Michael Jacksons ball sacks. " Screw you Gabe Newell and half life screw you" Johnny said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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