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YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY THE BEST OML!!!! ILY -also language not very appropriate for children-       8)))

Marla had come out of the office to see George sitting outside (the office) waiting for her on his phone looking at Instagram.

"Anddd what are you doing?" -She asked, cocking her head in confusion.

George hummed while looking up at her.

"Just scrolling through this weird shit I found on Instagram." -He responded.

"Niceeeee..." -She looked around awkwardly.

"Did you get the papers?" -George asked.

She was brought back to reality with the sudden change in George's voice and looked at him.

"Oh, yeah. Here." -She handed him a blue sheet of paper with class names and times.

"This blows." -He sighed and dropped the hand with the paper in it.

"Why aren't you in class yet Georgie?" -She said, giving him a puzzled look.

"Schedule." -He lifted the paper up.

"Haha right."  -She smiled at George, making him smile as well.

She held out her hand gesturing to George to grab onto it. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his sister's hand pulling himself up.

"You're still light huh?" -She said playfully laughing at him.

"You're so mean to meee." -George said putting his head back and laughing with her.

"If we don't get to class we'll be in deep ****." -She said almost wheezing.

As they were walking together to find their classes George noticed another tall male George looked over at him and his face immediately went red. 'Fuck, He's hot.' -George had thought to himself he heard his sister laugh at him as he went back to looking at the classroom numbers.

"You're so gay George, not trying to make that sound offensive at all." -She said as she started walking backwards and laughed at him.

"Whatever..." 1he mumbled cheeks, still red, thinking about the boy, and looking at the classrooms completely drowning in his own thoughts.

'Why did he look so- No! I'm not gay... but he looked so, perfect? Dirty blonde wavy hair, g- yellow? No green eyes, tall,  just perfect.' He was still lost in his own thought until the bell rang disturbing his train of thought.

"Looks like we missed first period huh." -Marla chuckled as the students started flooding the hallways.

George grabbed onto his sister's arm trying not to lose her in the flooded hallways.

"Not very social today are we?" -Marla looked at George and back at the hallways trying to make out which class George had next.

{time skip} (hehehehehe SUFFER) (jk jk I love you guys. still a time skip)

George was in the library listening to music. He glanced up and saw a short figure placing books on the shelves, they were wearing a multi-colored hoodie with a swirl in the middle next to him was Ranboo.

Ranboo looked in George's direction and smiled at him. George waved to him and Ranboo waved back.

George looked down at his phone to see a notification pop up. It was a text from Marla.

"Interesting." -George whispered to himself as he read the text.


Hey little brother got school news for ya!
-Sent: 1:30 pm-

Apparently there's this huge baseball tournament on Friday and our schools in it so there's gonna be practice today. I was wondering if you would be down to come with me?
-Sent: 1:32 pm-

Yeah, sure.
-Sent: 1:33 pm-

-Sent: 1:33 pm-

It's a 4:30 today don't be late~
-Sent: 1:33 pm-

George looked up from his phone to see the short figure standing at the other end of the table. They looked like a male, the male stuck his hand out and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Karl." Karl said, waiting for George to shake his hand and introduce himself.

"Oh, I'm George." He shook Karl's hand.

They broke the handshake.

"I saw you waving at my little helper here, thought I would come say hi." Karl said.

"Yeah I met him earlier in the hallway." George looked over at Ranboo.

"Well, he waved back at you so I immediately guessed you were nice. He only waved at people who are... nice is one way you could put it, kinda like a physic ability." Karl said looking over at Ranboo.

"I also saw that you were going to watch the baseball players practice today." Karl said looking back at George.

"How did you see my phone when you're over there?" George asked Karl.

"I just did. Anyway about the baseball team, I heard that there's a really good player on the team whose name is Clay but they call him Dream because girls are always over him even though he's never dated anyone since he came to this school, But he's not the best on the team there's a guy named Techo who claims he's better than 'Dream' even though everyone knows he's not but the one person who ever beat 'Dream' was supposedly a girl named Hope. They say she's his sister-" -Karl paused.

"I'm so sorry you probably don't care and I've been rambling on this entire time... hehe." -Karl said as he sighed.

They were silent.

Karl started to speak.

"Welp we should go now, Ranboo come on you forgot to stack those books." -Karl said to Ranboo as he started walking to a cart full of books.

Ranboo followed him.

"That wasn't weird." - George said as he looked at the time, 1:56 pm

'I should probably go home and get ready for the practice thing later' - George thought as he got up and walked out the door.

Ya ya ya Yeet, dog treat,

I name Drista Hope in this I really hope you like it 🥺



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