Chapter Six

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Silas crouched on top of one of the highest skyscrapers in New York City and waited patiently behind the long rifle propped in front of him. One grey eye peered through the lens to make sure he was watching the right person who would, in a few minutes, be dead. Sometimes he traveled alone, sometimes with his men, tonight he was alone. The evil bastard he'd been assigned to take out was one of the worst scums to roam the earth. The information he'd been given about him made this trip a personal one. The Colombian politician had managed to cover his criminal activities in his original country, but not in the U.S. He was a particularly vile creature who raped, kidnapped, and sold children as human slaves. The government assigned Silas to him as soon as they found out who was behind the sudden surge in missing children. Whenever criminal activity was too big for the police to involve and the government did not want to go through the trial and execution laws, they called Silas who either did the job himself or assigned one of his men.

It amazed Silas at how much trust U.S. Citizens had in their government. There were millions of criminals in the world, probably far more than good, normal, citizens that obeyed the law, and yet these good law abiding citizens thought that their government gave a fair trial to every criminal they caught. They couldn't possibly do it, there were too many to keep up with, especially ones like the Colombian politician. Sometimes it was just easier to take them out and then blame it on another criminal. They gave Silas the nasty ones, the ones even normal assassins couldn't deal with. Why? Because he was the best they'd ever had and he did his job professionally, discreetly, and methodically. He never got caught. He rarely got hurt. And his assignments never, ever got away.

Excitement rushed through Silas as he waited for the kill. Just a little bit further from the building. The politician grinned and shook hands with the men he'd been dining with not knowing it was his last meal. As soon as the other men stepped away, Silas fired. The gun didn't make any noise, just a soft pop like someone was opening a soda can. The politician appeared to pass out in the street. They would probably think it was something he'd eaten that didn't agree with him or that he was allergic. The bullet Silas had used was designed to make a small hole and then explode in the heart without leaving much blood behind. One of the benefits about working for the government was that he got to play with all the high tech toys, futuristic weapons that no one had ever knew existed. No one would know the Colombian politician was murdered until later, by then Silas would be on his way to his next job. He took a pen and pad out of his pocket and crossed out the politician's name. Then read the next one. It was going to be a busy week.

He stood up stretching his muscles and admired his handiwork. His long black hair swung loosely in the wind. The black clothes he was wearing and the trench coat that came below his knees made a dark silhouette against the city light in the background. Within a minute, he was gone as quietly as he had arrived. Silas never made a sound when he worked. Dakota had taught him how to walk like the wind, even in hard shoes no one could hear Silas coming up behind them unless he wanted them too.

He hopped into a borrowed black sedan and turned on his cell phone and punched in the code, the death code he called it, to let them know the assignment was completed. He started to turn it off when a picture of Ebony making a silly face at him appeared. She'd stolen his cell phone from him just before he'd left and had taken pictures of herself making several ridiculous faces at him. She hadn't told him what she'd done so when he'd opened his phone on his first assignment, her pictures had been the first thing he'd seen. He had laughed. She had made him laugh while he was out here killing people. This sweet, silly, woman/child was getting to him even when he was working.

The men who were part of the government who issued out his assignments were called TSO, The Silent Organization. There were five of them. They paid him half a million dollars for every criminal he killed and there was a lot of them. To any other person it would have been a lot of money, but this blood money covered every expense Silas had in order to get the job done. He traveled light, with only one shoulder bag which held his many I.D. cards from every city and state he was assigned to. Few people knew his real name and even fewer knew who he really was. Everything else, he bought while on the trip, cars that were discarded after their use, cheap motels or expensive hotels to stay in, different clothes to wear, everything got very expensive because he had to constantly cover his tracks. The TSO monitored his every move to make sure he did everything right. He had a good working relationship with them until they found out about Ebony and his intentions to keep her in his life.

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