Chapter Fourteen

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Ebony watched the four men who watched her with caution and apprehension. She hated the look in their eyes. The constant affection that reflected in their eyes for her were gone. They were staring at her as if she was a stranger.

"Stop looking at me like that!" she yelled at them, hurt by their reaction.

They'd surrounded her in a circle, but none had drawn a gun on her. Instead, they watched her as if they were prepared for her to attack them again.

"Ebony, we're just trying to understand you," Nicholas told her gently.

Silas held out his hand to her after seeing the confusion in her eyes. "Come here, Ebony. Get off the damn roof."

Silas watched her shake her head and scoot further up the roof. She'd climbed up there like a damn ninja after freeing them from their paralyzed state. She was scared, he got that, but he couldn't help her if she didn't trust him enough to come to him. He sighed, if she didn't come to him then he would have to go to her.

"Don't do it, Silas. You don't know if she's herself or not!" Dominic warned him.

"She will not hurt him," Dakota said. "Did you see how quickly she returned to herself when he spoke to her? Silas may be able to control her other side."

Ebony sat on the roof with her arms wrapped around her knees and watched the sun gradually set.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

She gasped when she saw Silas strong profile against the beautiful scenery. "It reminds me of you, beautiful, full of fire, your old life quietly fading into a new one."

"I'm...afraid," she admitted. "I don't know where all these memories came from? It's like I've been in a coma and I've just awakened. Do you know what's happening to me?"

Silas sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her. "When you were a little girl, your grandfather trained you as an assassin. He hid your memories until the time was right for them to return. I think his passing and this new threat to you set something off inside of you." It was the closest to the truth he could tell her without revealing that she'd seen her grandfather's twin.

"All those stories he told me about his life as an assassin was true and he trained me? Deep down, I knew there was something off about me, I just couldn't figure it out, like the way I accepted all of you so quickly and how I didn't seem to be afraid of the danger I was in."

Silas couldn't respond, there was nothing he could say. Now that he thought about it, Ebony's reaction to everything around her had been different from what was expected, but he'd been so blinded by his love for her and the need to protect her, he hadn't paid much attention.

She leaned into him, burying her face in the side of his neck before asking a question that sent chills up his spine.

"Aren't you afraid I'll hurt you?"

Those words coming from her mouth just seemed so wrong.

"No," he said remaining calm. He was dealing with a new side of Ebony, he really didn't know what to expect from her. "If you had wanted to hurt us the first time you attacked us, you would have."

"I should be in hysterics, but I'm not, it's like this deep calm has come over me, as if I finally know who I am and I'm relieved. To tell you the truth, I've never felt so good in my entire life and that feeling scares me. I shouldn't be this calm. I shouldn't feel this good. It's like something is trying to jump out of me and I'm holding it back."

"What do you want to do, Ebony?" Silas asked. He knew exactly what she was feeling. He experienced it on each assignment.

She pulled away from him. "Fight," she said almost shyly.

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