Imbue: to put a substance or thing in a different object/thing, while leaving the host object intact or improved typically.
Runes: (noun)
1. A (stereotypically craved) letter or symbol (typically in stone) of old alphabets (like the Old Germanic Languages).
2.Also used to mean a set of words,sayings,or poems thought to cause magic;
In this book: Used to mean any pattern of etchings or cravings that are used in producing magic by some (currently unknown) way.
Derivation: 1675–85; <Old Norse rūn a secret, writing, runic character; related to Old English rūn (Middle English rune,obsolete English roun). <- use this
Adventure-second draft- this is a story about a group of characters that hasn't been told often. Spirits stuck into armor. This is the story about Isarnfur, a spirit dedicated to manipulating Iron. He has been stuck in a piece of armor, and how he...