Chapter 7: First Night

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"Tae, we have to go," I said, getting up from the bed.

"Fine," Taehyung groaned.

It was 5:30 P.M, and we needed to head to the Burj Khalifa to start our first night for the guest. I was rummaging through my luggage, finding my work outfit. I pulled them out and put them on. To the corner of my eye, I see Taehyung leave my room and head over to his. 


Danielle: Jennie, where are you

Jennie: I'm sorry, I was sleeping

Danielle: Well, hurry up, you don't want to be late

Jennie: Just about to leave my hotel room, don't worry


I put my phone in my bag and headed out of the hotel room. Taehyung leaves his room at the same time follows me. The both of us boarded the elevator and went to the office floor. We then walked out of the building and walked to the Burj Khalifa.

"Hey, which ones, the Burj Khalifa," I asked.

"It's the tallest building in the world; I'm pretty sure it's that one stupid," Taehyung pointed. 

"Hey, I didn't know, don't call me stupid," I said

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"Hey, I didn't know, don't call me stupid," I said.

"But you are stupid," Taehyung replied.

"I swear to god if we weren't in public, I would punch you so hard right now," I said, lifting my fist.

"Uh oh, I'm scared," he said sarcastically. 


"Come on, we're going to be late," I sighed.

After walking along the sidewalks of Dubai, we finally made it to the front entrance of the place we need to get to. I open the doors, and Taehyung follows behind me. 

"Woah," I gasped.

"This place looks amazing," Taehyung said in awe.

I thought the hotel looked expensive. I was wrong; the Burj Khalifa was whole other level. You gold see the gold strips along with the countertops and the jade/ruby chandelier on the ceiling shading the floor. 

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