Funny Haha Times #9

804 21 6

A/N: We're back with more funnies! Except, which the edition of Next Generation Of Heros! :D

Let's see who can guess these kids parents. >:D

Also! Seeing as Mayshin is from Brazil, I changed her name to Nathalia, it means Born On Christmas Day (and she's actually born at 12:00 at midnight, funny right?).

A lot of the kids names have meaning to them, either from the quirks they have, chosen on random OR from where they're born. I like to look up things before I decide, but eh. Get what ya what get, am I right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Kai: Our bond as siblings is so strong, there is nothing that could dent it.

Chi: I ate the last Onigiri.

Kai: You're dead to me.


Raven: Stop saying your life is a joke.

Raven: Jokes have meaning.

Hoshi: Why did I think you were gonna say something nice for once in your life...


Shikiru, breathes:

Kazuichi: You think you're fancy with your daddy issues.


Kazuichi: There's a snake outside.

Katsuki banging on the door: LET ME IN YOU LITTLE FUCK!


Shichi: Would you date yourself?

Nathalia: No, quite frankly, I deserve better.


Raven: Wait, you like me??

Shichi: Yes.

Raven: For my personality???

Shichi: Yes.

Toka: Surprising, I know.


Katsuki: Could you pass me a napkin?

Kazuichi: Are your arms broken?

Katsuki: Your's are about to be if you don't hand me a damn napkin.

Kazuichi: I'm going to pass you a napkin, but not because I'm scared.


Suterusu: Pick a card, any card.

Kazuichi: Fine.


Suterusu: “Any card” did not include my credit card, kindly hand it back to me.


Hoshi: You look beautiful today.

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