Chapter 18

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Two months went by and things were different. Again, I was locked up in the mansion, it was now not my father's but my husband's. Evelyn tried to convince both her father and Edric to let me out and have some fun, especially before the baby would come. But both the men said no.

I was now their number one priority, I needed to be protected 24/7, which was horrible. There would be always a bodyguard nearby. Their cold demeanor, almost robot-like, was not very comforting when I was watching a movie or eating my dinner.

There was always someone looking over my shoulder. Following me like a hawk. It was very unnerving. 

The best thing about this whole pregnancy was that Edric kept his hands off me. This baby meant a lot to him, his family, and apparently the mafia. So, no harm was to come to me or the baby. 

I did not have to worry if I would do or say something wrong. I finally felt like I could breathe again.

Also, it helped that Evelyn practically lived here now. She said it was unfair for me to be locked up in my own home, even though I tried to explain to her I was already used to it. To which she responded: Nobody should be getting used to being locked up in their own home.

She and I spend most of our time together watching movies, playing dress up and looking for baby stuff. The last was mostly when her mother, Miranda, was around.

I did not mind their company they helped me to get through my period of grieving for my father and brother. Only every time the pregnancy was brought up, I wanted to escape the room as soon as possible.

I was not ready to be a mother yet.

Being over three months pregnant you could see a small bump start to form on my stomach. It reminded me of the inevitability of what was about to come. Seeing the baby bump scared me and I tried to hide it, but the hot weather did not make it easy for me.

It also made me think of my own mother more. How different would my life have been if she were still alive?

Currently, I was sitting upwards in bed, leaning against the headboard. I caressed my stomach with my fingertips while thinking of my own mother.

I was so deep in thought I had not noticed Edric. He startled me with his words, "How are you feeling?" His words were neutral.


I did not stutter anymore around him. His presence around me was way calmer than in the beginning. I did not feel like I was constantly threatened by him.

"You don't look like it," Edric said again neutral. No hint of worry or anger in his voice.

"Just thinking." I mused.

"About what?" This is when I looked at him. I was surprised he took this much interest in me. Normally he would say goodnight and go to sleep.

"My own mother... I did not know her, and I never had a mother figure in my life. So... I don't really have an example to look up to and that frightens me."

As I spoke my concerns out loud Edric never made a disinterested face. He listened to me patiently and took my words in. He did chuckle though.

"You are afraid to become a mother because you never had an example to look up to, meanwhile you are surrounded by a most feared mafia in this part of the country. Little bird, I don't think you should be afraid about those mundane things, those will solve themselves out naturally. Worry about your and our baby's safety, but that is where I come in. So, you have nothing to fear nor worry about."

I was flabbergasted with his little speech. This was the first time I saw Edric as my husband. He bent over and placed a kiss on my forehead and said goodnight.

I could not believe how sweet he was right now. I doubted his actions, but let those thoughts rest because I wanted to enjoy the comfort he gave me.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter and my apologies for that. I also want to apologize for not uploading the past few days. I had multiple deadlines and the lockdown in my country is really getting to me. 

Some days I do not feel really inspired to write. But I think I'm not the only one. 

So, I still wanted to give you a chapter so you could forget about the craziness of the world we live in right now. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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