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"HEY are you sure about this?" Nejire whispers as her and Tamaki walked near their class. They hid since it was early in the morning.

"Yes, I didn't want to do it alone." He whispered back to his friend, Nejire smiled and took the small desk note from his hand.

Her eyes skimmed through it and she held a small smile,

"I'll put it on her desk, I want to see what it feels like to be you, all sneaky," She nudged his shoulder with her elbow and he flushed red.

"Fine! Just ... be quick." Tamaki sighed and stepped back, Nejire put her arms behind her back, the desk note held between her hands.

She looked around making sure no one was there, soon she made it into the classroom. Walking inside with her eyes closed she left the desk note on [Name]'s desk. Turning back she was met with a figure she wished she didn't see right now...[Name].

[Name] was walking inside with her bag, both girls did an awkward eye contact. [Name] blinked and then her eyes landed on a paper, Nejire quickly squished the paper onto her hand.

"...[Name]! Hey! Why..are you here so early?" Nejire choked out with a nervous laugh

"...I forgot a book here yesterday on my desk... which is right here." [Name] said and her hand landed on the random book that sat on her desk, Nejire was still on her same spot, trapped between [Name] and her arm as it extends towards the book.

Both of them looked at each other and Nejire's eyes go a bit wide, blushing she looked away quickly by the eye contact [Name] gave. She stepped away from Nejire, the book on her hand.

"And why are you here early?" She gave a small laugh

"You know, just here-"

"Leaving a note on my desk?"

"It's not from me!"

"...I see." [Name] said and slightly tilts her head,

"I'm flattered Nejire, this is sweet but I-"

"[Name] I swear it's not what it looks like! I...oh here!" Nejire laughs and softly shoved the note on [Name]'s hand, she still had a blush.

"I swear it's not from me I found it dropped here on the floor and I figured it would be for you, I've been noticing how you get random notes since every morning you pick it up. I just figured it would be for you. It's not from me." Nejire rambled and [Name] blinked, she laughed at how Nejire suddenly got nervous.

She's always confident and outgoing, now she's .. flustered

"Oh well thanks Nejire." [Name] gave a closed eye smile and Nejire stared back at her, her face red.

"Sure! Bye now!" Nejire ran out of the classroom and met Tamaki.

"Yeah, never again Tamaki." She sighed and Tamaki gave a quiet laugh.

"How can you do this almost every morning? I felt my heat leave my body!"

"Because [Name] is worth all the desk notes." Tamaki smiled to himself.



omg ngl this is my fav fic i've written. also does anyone here watch knb? it's my fav and i don't see many people talking about it

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