Chapter 14

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A/N Harry is a perfic because one of the prefics got expelled.

A few days later you got no response from you mother and father so you think they have not got the letter yet, and you are out of the hospital wing. "Have you heard we have a new DADA teacher?" Hermione asked as you sat at the Gryffindor table in the grate hall for breakfast "No do you know who it is" "Nope". You stare down and Hermione asks "Are you ok" "No" "what got you wand in bunch" You grab a small bag throw it at Hermione. "Ohhh" Hermione said in a soft tone she knew straight away when she opened the bag and seen pads.

You to talk for a few then you feel someone arms wrapped around your shoulders "Hey love" you say with a joyful smile "Hello beautiful" Harry says as he sits next to you "Are you done eating" he asks "yes why" "wanna go cuddle?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. You answer by standing up and handing you hand out. He grabs you hand and walks with you, he can see somethings wrong and spins you around in to a small hug "what's the matter love?" "Nothing my stomach hurts" as soon as you said this Harry throws you over his shoulder and says "ok no walking then I want you to feel better". You laugh the hole way to his door when he opens the door then lays you on his bed then goes back to close the door.

"I see you got comfortable" he laughs seeing you with you head on one of the pillows and under the blanket as he drops down on the bed moving closer to you. You push him flat on his back a you put you head on his chest and you leg against his. About 20 minutes later you didn't answer his question he looked over and seen you asleep he wrapped his hands around you tighter and fell asleep to.

When Harry waked up he accidentally woke you up to "oh so sorry love, didn't mean to wake you" "it's fine" you say as you kiss him "still wanna cuddle" he asks. You get butterflies when you hear his sleepy voice. "Yes but got to use the bathroom" you say as you stand up and grab a pad from the small bag and try to hide it. That's when it clicked you was on your period in Harry's mind. When you lay down he kisses you "what's up" you say confused "I seen your pad love no need to hide it it's ok". You smile as he lays down and your head on his chest. "I wanna take a nap" you say in a sleepy voice "same" Harry answered as he held you.

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