Chapter 15

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    Hours pass as you feel water hit your skin. You jump off Harry's chest "FRED GEORGE WHAT THE HELL!" Harry yells "IM GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH!" You scream as you stand up Fred and George start running as Harry follows. You stop running after 3or4 minutes later as Harry slows down behind you "I hate them sometimes you say out of breath" "same" Harry says as he picks you up " what are you doing?" you ask "you really think I'm going to let you walk back to my dorm after running and being wet no love" he answer as he starts walking.
       When he gets to his dorm he puts you down and opens the door "hey love can you do me a favor please" he asks "can you put new sheets on the bed" "of course" you answer. He walks over to his closet and grabs 2 shirts and 2 pairs of sweet pants and a hoodie. "Hey love if you want you can put these on" he says handing you one of the shirts and sweet pants and the hoodie. "Aww thank you love" you say as you kiss him and grabs the clothes "I going to change out here you go in the bathroom" Harry says.
        When you come out Harry is sitting on the bed waiting for you. "Hey love and we cuddle and watch a Muggle movie" you ask. Harry dose not answer instead she smiles and picks you up and throws you on the bed and drop down and cuddle you. Once the movie starts he plays with your hair and giving you kisses on your forehead. At the end of the movie Harry gets up and then ticks you. "Stop" you say as you laugh and twist and turn. When he stops "I love you" Harry says.

   A/N: hey guys SOOO SORRY we are moving (we have been for the past 3 months cuz stuff keeps happening that holds us back) I will be trying my best we HAVE to be out of our house next week... and also I was getting made fun of because I do this (from friends) but I got some motivation from this thing I read. Here it is.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
The man who never reads lives only one.
— George R.R. Martin
Ok time to get to the story

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