Part Four: Red

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(art by @  mi_gensin on twitter)

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(art by @ mi_gensin on twitter)

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Aether woke up the next day still on the balcony, and just as his puffy eyes peeked open, a small wind spirit flew past him. 

After a brief moment of questioning what he just saw, he stood up, stretching out his arms and legs. The rooftop of the inn was not an ideal place for a good night's sleep, but his body had passed out once he was through with crying his heart out. He thought about checking to see if Xiao was still in his room, but the ache he felt on his neck told him otherwise. He went to look at his injury in a mirror, and sure enough, his throat was stained red with dried blood. 

Slowly, all the memories from the night before came flooding back, and his heart sunk into his chest. Aether never meant for things to get so out of hand, his only intentions were to help the adeptus he had found nearly dead in the mountains of Jueyun Karst. When he found Xiao unconscious a few days prior, he summoned the other adepti, who had instructed him to take him to Wangshu Inn. This was not the first time Verr Goldet had seen him in this state, and knew he needed only a little time to recover. She offered Aether the chance to take care of him, in case anything went wrong, and of course he obliged. But he did not know the extent of Xiao's emotions, or his lack of understanding of emotions.

Aether glided to a nearby stream to wash his scarf and neck, and to find fish for a meal. He stared at the red-stained water dripping onto his hands. Maybe it would be best if he kept his distance from the adepti. They had seen many millenia of war and violence to build and safeguard their beloved harbor, and after all, he was just a mortal like everyone else. Who was he to assume he had any special importance to Xiao? Though he had pure intentions, he ended up hurt in the end. After uncovering the truth of Rex Lapis's murder, he would not stay in Liyue much longer anyways. The traveler's main goal stayed the same; to recover the power he lost to the unknown god, and find his sister. He shook his head, looking down at the water. The red liquid lingered in his hands for just a moment longer, then washed away down the stream.

 Aether and Paimon enjoyed lunch together, and then they set off back to Liyue Harbor to finish their work with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. As they traveled further down the road, Aether took one more look back at the inn. There he saw the silhouette of the yaksha, standing tall on the roof, watching him leave.  


"So, Ganyu, what do you think of this farewell?"

Aether and Zhongli had come across Ganyu, the secretary for the Qixing, while searching for wild glaze lilies as the final piece in the rite of parting. The first batch of glaze lilies turned out to be no good, but luckily, Ganyu had found some and was willing to dedicate them to the cause. 

" a citizen of the harbor, it's hard to imagine a Liyue without Rex Lapis. But as an adeptus, I believe, in time, I'll be able to come to terms with it." Aether's ears perked up at what she said.

"Wait, adeptus?" 

"Yes, indeed. I am a human mixed with Qilin, and so adeptal blood flows through my veins." She tucked her hair behind her ear, giving Aether a better view of her horns, which were laced with red. "I fought alongside Rex Lapis during the war. Afterwards, I signed a contract with him and became the Qixing's secretary."

"Oh! So you know Xiao!" Paimon blurts out. Aether shot her a look.

"Xiao? The guardian yaksha? Yes, he is an adeptus as I am. Though he is quite intimidating to say the least, especially with a title like 'Conqueror of Demons.' We are not close." She looked down, averting everyone's gaze. "Everyone who gets close to him...well, they are no longer with us."

"Ah yes, I have heard similar stories." Zhongli buts in, looking towards Wangshu Inn. "The last remaining yaksha. He only knows how to protect through violence, though that does not bode well for those around him." He chuckled to himself. "Ironic, is it not? Tasked with guarding the citizens of Liyue, yet he can not stop himself from threatening their lives. Truly a tortured existence." 

"Mr. Zhongli, you seem to know a lot about the history of Liyue," Paimon said. Zhongli looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, well, as I've said, these are just rumors and stories I've heard. Nothing more." The wind blew Aether's long braid as he stared out at the water, his gaze finding it's way to the harbor. Rex Lapis, Ganyu, Xiao, and the adeptibeasts are the reason Liyue exists today. They used their power to form the rock and guide the people to where they are now. Though not well in tune with emotions, the adepti had all experienced loss, pain, fear, and regret. They all had a sense of pride in their own way. Aether felt lost on his feelings toward the adepti, but he did not have time to focus on it. There were more important matters to attend to.

"Well, I should be returning now. Thank you for this opportunity to contribute to the farewell of our geo archon. May his soul rest in peace." And with that, Ganyu left.

"Ah yes, we too should be returning to the city. Everything is in place for the Rite of Parting. I'll let the Qixing know." Zhongli led Aether back to the harbor, and told stories of ancient archons that Rex Lapis had to battle. As they approached the gates, however, there were swarms of military members looking for Childe. They ushered Zhongli back to the funeral parlor, leaving Aether to search for the man of the hour. 

Meanwhile, a dark storm had begun to swirl over Guyun Stone Forest. Xiao stood at the edge of the jade chamber, watching the clouds stir. The wind was blowing fiercely, and his red-lined eyes squinted against the leaves being blown around. Since that morning, the yaksha had been out of focus, and out of sync with his thoughts, his mind preoccupied with what had happened the night before. Everytime he closed his eyes, he got vivid flashbacks of Aether's face, and the red blood dripping from his neck, but whatever was brewing beneath the waters of the forest required his full attention.

"Are you here with us, Conqueror of Demons?" Xiao turned around to see all the adepti gathered with the Qixing. They were all watching him, waiting for his response. He nodded.

"Yes. Let's begin."

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