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"I'M HOMEEE" Daniel yelled walking in the house

Christian pushed me of him as fast as he could, just in time because then Daniel walked in.

"hey... what are you doing here in Chris his room?" Daniel asked me confused

"Ow ehm, Christian was just teaching me how to p-play among us" I said not wanting Daniel to know that we almost kissed.

"Among Us? really? I thought you hated that" Daniel said not believing me

"At first I did, but I thought to give it a try"

"Oh, ok, I let you two play again" Daniel said before leaving the room and closing the door after

"So you wanna play among us huh?" Christian said smirking at me

"Shut up" I laughed

"Then lets play among us" Christian said

Christian only had one chair so I sat on his bed but I realized that I couldn't really see what he was doing

"You can sit on my lap if you want" Christian said carefully because he was scared that she would reject him

"You sure?" I asked


I sat on his lap with my back against his chest. I could feel his warm breath agaist the skin of my neck.

"You've never played Among Us before right?" Chritian asked

"I don't"

Christian explained how the game works and then it was my turn

He placed his hands on mine so he would have control of what I was doing. His chin rested on my shoulder. Sometimes he kissed my ear softly while I felt his warm breath against my ear.

"This is actually a fun game" I told him

"Glad you like it" he said kissing my ear again

I turned my head so I could see him. He had his eyes closed so he didn't saw me move. He wanted to kiss my ear again but instead he kissed my lips.

Christian didn't expect that but this was what he wanted to do for so long so he leaned in again and I did the same. Our lips touched and I turned around so our chests are against eachother.

Then Christian shove his tongue into my mouth. We were so focused on our kiss that we didn't hear Daniel come in. "WHAT THE FUCK" He screamed.

Christian and I turned around really quick.

"Oh fuck" I heard Christian say

"I-I-I should go" I said almost crying because I didn't want to hurt my best friend.

"Yeah you should" Daniel replied mad

best friend's brother - christian seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now