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It's been a month since me and Christian kissed.

I barely talked to Daniel. But I saw Christian everyday.

Because Daniel paid most of the house he kicked Christian out and Christian had no place to stay so he stayed at my house.

Me and Christian never talked about the kiss again and just act like friends.

But I wanted to kiss him again, I also wanted to talk to the only person that understands me: Daniel.

No one could come between me and Daniel. Even his hot and cute af brother can't.

So I decided to go to the Seavey's house. I rang the doorbell and Tyler openend not expecting to see me here.

"L-liandra, what are you doing here" Tyler asked

"I want to talk to Daniel please" I told him

"Ehm I'm sure he doesn't wanna talk to you but go ahead he's in his room"

"Ok Thanks" I said walking past him

I saw Daniel laying on his bed listening to some music


Daniel turned around


"Can we talk please?" I sat on his bed

"Eh what do you wanna talk about" he said acting stupid

"Dani, look I am sorry ok, I really am"

"Yeah but Lia"


"Christian has a thing for you ok? He always had" Daniel said a little sad

"Dani I-I ehm.." I didn't really know what to say "Why did you kick us out for kissing?" I knew it was a stupid question but I still wanted to ask him.

"Just because Li, you're my best friend, and he's my brother. I am also just afraid that you are gonna dump me for the older Seavey brother"

"Dani, listen to me, I will never gonna dump my fucking best friend for someone else I promise"

"You do?"


"Lia, can I ask you something?"


"Do you like Christian? Not as in friends but as in a lovers type of way"

I didn't really know what to say

"I do......" I said after a long pause

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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best friend's brother - christian seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now