Cramps 🩸😭🤚

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Savannahs pov:
I woke up to Jaden spooning me and staring at me, i turned and faced him.
J - goodmorning bub
S - Morning bubba
J - i like that name
S - me too
J - did you sleep ok
S - yea but my cramps were rlly bad
J - aww poor thing i tried to put more pressure on the hot bottle to ease the pain
S - i know you did and it worked abit but its ok
J - the boys made breakfast wanna go get ready
S - yea ok
We got out of bed and Jaden left i did my morning routine and got in the shower once i got out i got changed into these clothes

 J - goodmorning bubS - Morning bubba J - i like that name S - me too J - did you sleep ok S - yea but my cramps were rlly bad J - aww poor thing i tried to put more pressure on the hot bottle to ease the pain S - i know you did and it worked abit...

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Without the bag and obvs without the suitcase

I walked downstairs and everyone said goodmorning , i didnt reply because i felt like shit today my head hurts and my cramps were killing me i couldnt take the pain
G - are you ok Savvy
S - yea im fine
Tg - are you sure
S - yes im sure
Tg - ok then
G - here you go i made you breakfast
He puts a plate of pancakes infront of me
S - im not rlly hungry
G - pls can you eat a couple
S - but im not hungry
G - just 1 for me
S - uhhhhh fine
I was eating the pancakes and they were pretty good, i was just finishing when i got a sharp pain rushing through my stomatch i screamed cause it was so painful
G - wow whats wrong
S - nothing
Ja - Savannah that wasnt nothing u could hear the pain in your scream
S - its fine i said it was cramps
G - are they supposed to be that bad
S - i dont know mine had always been bad
G - here take some advill
S - thanks
I took 2 advills and walked to the living room , i decided to film a tik tok. I filmed this one

You did this one, just pretend that u did the dance like that for the sake of the story

Jaden watched me do the dance and he was looking me up and down, i could clearly see him but he didnt know until i cleared my throat and he snapped out of it and he went back to whatever he was doing, then i went and sat on the couch i dropped myself ont he couch and i got the sharp pain in my stomatch again 



S - Oh sorry yea it was just a rlly bad cramp 

Ja - Oh ok 

I just went on my phone and scrolled through tik tok 

Jadens pov: 

I watched Savannah make the tik tok and she looked so amazing i was looking at her up and down and she cleared her throat i snapped out of it and looked at her, she smirked at me and i realised taht she saw me looking at her , i just went back to scrolling on tik tok. She dropped on the couch and screamed in pain i asked her what was wrong she just said she had cramps. I left her cause i wanted to ask Griffin something. I saw Griff in the kithen on his phone so i sat next to him cause i was gonna ask him something 

G - Hey Jay

Ja - Hey Griffin 

we sat in silence for about a minute and then i spoke 

Ja - Uhm Griff i need to ask you something 

G - Umm sure go ahead 

Ja - ok here goes nothing, I have a crush on Savannah and i was wondering if i can ask her out 

G - Yea sure but if you break her heart i will break ur face 

Ja - Wow uhm thanks and i promise not to break her heart 

G - Good, when are u gonna ask her 

Ja - Idunno maybe tomorrow

G - Oh ok

Ja - Ok um bye

G - Byee

I sat back on the couch and i noticed that Savannah was crying 

Savannahs pov: 

I was watching tik tok and i saw this video of this video of a girl telling a story about her abusive parents, it made me think of mine and i started to cry, Jaden came back from wherever he went and noticed that i was crying he came and comforted me 

Ja - why are you crying?

S - oh its nothing 

Ja - Savannah its not nothing you know ypu can tell me 

S - Fine it was just a rlly sad video of someone crying cause their dog was ran over and it made me sad cause i had a dog that got ran over. i lied they didnt know about my past yet and i wasnt ready to tell them yet. 

Ja - aww bubs dont be sad its ok 

I stopped crying and me and Jaden walked to the kitchen cause i was kinda hungry, i got some grapes and sat on the island with my legs crossed .The otheres walked in they were all upstairs doing their own thing then they come down. The girls were still here aswell 

An - Cant you it on a chair like a normal person 

S - Nope

An - why 

S - Because im not normal 

An - u got that right 

S - Whatever 

Jo - what time is it 

Ness - its like 5 pm why 

Jo - im so boredd 

G - Wanna go to the hype house 

S - uhh no i phisically cant move 


S - I'll stay home yall can go 

G - Hell naw ur coming 


G - Savannah were going even if we have to drag u there 

Ja - come on Savvy lets go


Everyone - yess 



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