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Savannahs pov:

I woke up in the morning in Jadens bed and i felt Jadens arms around me, i snuck out of them and went to my own room, it was 12:23pm, i got in the shower and brushed my teeth and everything, i got into my clothes

My clothes

I walked downstairs and my dad looked at me and scoffed

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I walked downstairs and my dad looked at me and scoffed

G - absolutely not#

S - what?

G - Go change

S - what why

G - cause there practically no point in wearing a shirt

S - whatever im not changing

G - uh whatever, Also sit down we need to talk

S - about what

G - Sit down and you'll find out 

S - jeez ok 

I sat on the island and just then Jaden came down, he looked so cute, he kissed me and sat on the island aswell, i was eating grapes when Griffin began to speak

G - So, Uhm Savvy

S - hello

G - hey, anyways we have decided on something

S - ok?

G - we have decided to get you a tutor


G - A tutor?

S - so u think im dumb

B - Sav u know thats not what he meant

S - Dont call me that and Bryce u actually NEED to be educated 

G - ok Savannah calm down, shes also gonna be working as our assistant

S - Oh great so my teacher will be around all day

G - Yea 

S - she probably gonna be a bitch

G - No Savvy she a rlly nice person we interviewed her and she seems nice


G - Savannah thats enough, my decision is final


I stormed away, i ran to my room and slammed the door causing it to crack abit, i jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow as loud as i could, i started crying, i dont know why i was getting so pressed about a tutor, i just didnt want them to find out about my ADHD and anxiety, i acidentally blurted out that i have depression when i first got here but oh well, thats on a big mouth, anywayss i was laying in my bed with the cvers under my head until i eard someone come in. They sat on my bed and started to slowly pull the covers off, me they obviously failed, i didnt want them to see my red ass puffy face, then they yanked the covers off, which worked, i looked up very annoed and saw JADENN hr looked so cute but me being the fat ass i am told him to fuck off

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