Part 14

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It was now the next morning. Danielle and Stefania fell asleep on the couch from watching a movie last night. Alessandra fell asleep right after she took her shower. When Danielle woke up, Stefania was still asleep on her shoulder. She looked at the time and it was about 7:30.

She got up from the couch, making sure the Italian didn't wake up. She grabbed a blanket from the other chair from in the room and placed it on her. She went upstairs to use the bathroom and then went into Alessandra's room to wake her for school. She tried to be a quiet as she could but it kinda didn't work. "Danielle what are you doing?" She said in the most tired voice. "It's time to get up for school." She said walking over and sitting on the edge of her bed. Andi stretched and then got up. Danielle still sitting there watching as the little girl pulled out her outfit for school. "Do you think this is a good outfit Danielle?" She asked her. Holding up a black pair of shorts with a white shirt. "That is a wonderful outfit. I'll let you get dressed and then we'll go downstairs." She said and walked out the room.

Stefania was still asleep downstairs so she tried to be a quiet as she could. Dani made breakfast. Some toast with peanut butter and honey. And then Andi came downstairs. "You can eat peanut butter right?" Danielle asked before giving the little girl the plate She nodded. "I guess I'll have cereal." She said and reached for the Frosted Flakes and a bowl. The both of them sat right there eating their breakfast and talking about the most random things.

"Ok how do I do this?" Danielle said questioning her self as she looked into the mirror. She never knew how to do hair expect for her own so this was confusing. "First you spray the water on my hair." Andi said handing her the bottle. "Oh ok. Good to know." The both of them where in there for about 15 minutes because Danielle couldn't figure out how to style her hair so she just put it in a low ponytail. "That's good?" She asked her. "Yes it's perfect."
"Ok let's go get your shoes on and head to school."

"So your really pretty. You know that?"
"Thank you but so are you." Danielle said as her and Andi walked to the school. Andi knowing the way of course because sometimes her and Stefania would walk when ever it was a good day outside and Stefania didn't have to work.
"Are you gonna be home when school is over?"
"I don't know. Why?"
"Because I'll love if you pick me up from school."
"I will see what I can do."

Andi smiled and reached out her hand for Danielle to grab onto and they continued to make their way to school. "Ok where is your classroom?" They asked as they made it to the building. "This way." Andi said dragging her to the second grade hallway. When they reached her class she gave her a hug and wave goodbye and she continued to walk back home to her girlfriend.

When Stefania finally woke up there was no one to be scene. She remembers Danielle sleeping over last night. But she was no where to be seen. When she looked at the time it read 8:25 and she started freaking out. She quickly got up from the couch and ran upstairs to her daughters room. "Alessandra?" She said walking into the room. But she was there. The bed was made but no sign of Andi. When she ran back downstairs right as she was bout to leave, the front door opened.

"O my gosh!!" She yelled. Danielle looked at her confused. "Did I scare you?" She asked as she took her shoes off and shut the door. "Yes bella!! Where's Andi?"
"I just dropped her off at school why?"
"I woke up and neither one of you were here."
"Oh I was planing to be back before you woke up."
"Wait so you did all of this by yourself?"
"Yea. Oh dang I forgot her lunch!"

Stefania chuckled. "I should be getting ready for work." Danielle nodded and Stefania ran upstairs to get ready for work. The blonde stayed downstairs and cleaned up the mess she made this morning. When Stefania came back downstairs she wore some black dress pants and a striped shirt with her boots on. "You look incredible!" Danielle said and dried her hands from washing the dishes. She ran over and gave her girlfriend a quick kiss before she left out the door. Now it was just her and Jeff. "Hey Jeff wanna go on a walk? Yea? Let's go!!" She said grabbing the leash and putting on her shoes.

You, Me, and the Kid: A Stefanielle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now