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The other's had helped both Mew and Gulf in Gulf's bed, where they were now sitting with a big of distance between each other, leaning against the backrest. Mew's head was resting on one of the soft pillows, being a little too exhausted to hold his head up the whole time.

Gulf's body felt similar, quite tired and exhausted, the emotions from earlier having drained his stamina to a point, that he had to elevate his legs or he would have fainted. Well... the whole situation really happened out of nowhere too.

"What do you think about us introducing ourselves, so you can get to know us" Talay proposed with a small smile and the youngest slowly nodded.

Well... Ohm was the looser of the round, because as the oldest, he obviously had to start.

"Um... My name is Ohm..." he scratched his neck a little awkwardly, sitting down on the armchair that Gulf was sitting on earlier.

"My family left the pack I was living in when I was still young and lived as rogues in the city. After my parents passed away, I moved into the forest and... came across one of the laboratories. I observed them for some time before contacting the pack leader of the biggest pack close-by..." Mew followed Ohm's eyes that landed on Gulf.

"You are a pack leader?" Mew asked.

Gulf just slowly nodded, but gave Ohm a signal to continue. There was enough time to talk about everything after Ohm was done.

"Gulf... invited me after they freed the werewolves there... and that's how I met my mate Fluke. He was one of the people held captive...." he stopped for a second to smile about his mate before looking back to Mew, ".... I am 26 and work very closely with Gulf."

Mew nodded slowly, taking the information in.

"It is nice to meet you, Phi Ohm."

"It is nice to meet you too, Nong Mew", the oldest said friendly and gave him a smile.

Gulf couldn't keep a smile from forming on his face, happy that Ohm and Mew seemed to get along well... if Mew wanted to stay here... what he surely wished for... it would be nice if all his friends could become Mew's as well...

"I guess it's my turn now", Gulf started, Mew's head instantly turning to him...

Even though the youngest wasn't sure what it was... he wanted to know more about this person in front of him. He was... his mate right?

Gulf chuckled and tilted his head slightly to Mew.

"What you are feeling right now is cold curiousness or curiosity. If you want to know something very badly, you are curious about something."

Mew slowly nodded with an open mouth, trying to remember it. Curiousness... surely sounded like a difficult word to remember.

"So... do you want to hear something about me" Gulf asked, a little rhetorically, because he was going to introduce himself anyway.

"Yes. I am curious to know about you", Mew bluntly stated with his eyes staring at Gulf, and the older could feel his ear turning red. That surely had caught him off guard.


The others couldn't help laughing out loud, but Mew didn't mind them. He was curiu...curryo... whatever. He wanted to know more about his mate.

"My name is Gulf..." he started, after taking a deep breath. "My Wolf's name is Type... and he is Golden and white, well his chest fur is white and the rest of him is more like gold or honey- coloured....like that picture there," he pointed at a golden framed picture of... well his close group of friends: Mild, Ohm, the triplets, Earth and... well ...

"That guy there... who is he" Mew asked suddenly, pointing at the only person that hadn't been here earlier, when Mew woke up.

"Well he is the leader of a different pack. He is 2 years older then me and we became good friends when we slowly started getting involved in the business of our packs... He is a really nice person... and I'm sure you'll meet him one day when you get better." Gulf smiled at Mew while the other nodded slowly.

The Black Wolf - GulfMewWhere stories live. Discover now