♡ 14 ♡

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Ohm slowly nocked on the door, waiting for a moment but no response.

"Nong Mew... it's me Ohm. Gulf isn't here... but I would like to talk with you, if that's okay" he said softly and waited for a moment.

A second later, the key turned and he slowly pushed the door open and entered the guest bedroom. Ohm himself would sleep here at times, when it got too late with work or the rare times they had a party... but seeing a sad and hurt looking Mew wrapped in a blanket on the bed... even Ohm's protective instincts came through.

He locked the door again before coming closer, pulling one of the chairs to the bed and sitting down right in front of Mew.

"I told you... I am bonded to my mate right?"

He slowly nodded.

"His name is Fluke... and he was also in one of the laboratories... actually he was in the same as Nong Earth when we freed them."

Mew's eyes widened a little and he looked up to the older male, blodshoot eyes from all the crying.

"I met him... when Gulf invited me here after their successful operation... and when I met him, it was love on first sight to me. My heart felt warm and everything I wanted was to hold him close... But he had gone through so much there... he was hurt... both physically and mentally."

Mew slowly looked down on his hands, feeling a little reminded of his situation.

"Evrything... was complicated. I wanted to be with him so badly, hold him. Kiss him. But I eas scared that he would missunderstand my love as pity. Or that he would mistake feeling grateful towards me for actually liking me"

Mew's expression softened... he could understand what Ohm meant. Going through something like this.. and suddenly a person caring for you felt... foreign. almost alien. But he knew his feelings for Gulf... When he had seen the couple in the show kiss... he felt the wish to do that too with Gulf... taste him. Being held in the older's strong arms and feeling him all over his body.

"I think your situation with Gulf is similar... he is scared that he does something to you, that you might think you want, but that you will regret. He is scared to hurt you... scared that he can't hold himself back once you are in his arms..."

Ohm softly placed his hand under Mew's chin and lifted it up, so they could look into each other's eyes.

"Gulf never had a relationship. He never held someone like he holds you. He never watched someone while the other was asleep... He has never been this way before... and I think what he is most scared of is that he does something wrong... and that he'll loose you. " The older made a small break and sighed. "I've known Gulf for years now... and I have never seen him the way I saw him earlier... After trying to talk to you he came down and sat on the kitchen island... Gulf looked as if his Soul had left him... and he told us he hurted you ..."

Mew's expression grew softer, but also sad.

"He started crying... crying because he hurted you... because he was scared to ruin it and that made him hesitate to answer you.. He thought it wouldn't be fair to you to start your relationship before you are well enough to decide, if Gulf is really the person you wanted to be with...  he just didn't want to take all your first times away from you, Nong Mew."

"Can you.... help me to get to Phi?" The younger softly asked and Ohm nodded, placing MEw's arm around his shoulder and helping him up, before heading outside the room.

Gulf was still sitting on the couch, face in his hands while Mild had tried his past for the past 45 minutes to cheer him up. But the other didn't feel like being happy. He only felt like holding Mew and softly placing kisses on his forehead. He felt as if the oxygen was taking away from him... and that's when he first realised it. Not holding Mew close and seeing his smile... was like his heart getting ripped out of his body. He didn't like it. And it hurted like hell.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't realise someone sitting down next to him, until his face was lifted out of his hands and a pair of soft lips pressed against his.

Gulf's eyes widened when suddenly seeing Mew in front of him, their lips touching oh so heavenly and the youngers hands on his cheeks... was this really happening?

Their connection stopped a couple of seconds later, Mew slowly pulling back while still holding Gulf's face.

"Nong likes Phi... not because he feels greatful or  obligated to give something back. " Mew made  a subtle break and smiled.

"Nong likes phi... because he feels at home with Phi. Because he wants to share everything with Phi. Because Phi makes him feel warm and happy and... because Nong loves the way Phi smiles."

Mild was sitting right next to them... feeling a little hit in the head. Did that guy just give his friend a full blown love confession? Where the hell had he seen that? And why was it right in his face again?

He looked over to Ohm who just dragged him out of the room to give the lovebirds a little privacy...

"I think I am hallucinating" Gulf mumbled and reached out with his fingertips to Mew's lips, letting his thumb run across it.

"What is hallucinating" The younger asked against Gulf's thumb, hot air hitting the older's skin and making him shiver... Slowly, he opened his lips and Gulf was putting a little too much pressure on it, so... Gulfs thumb landed in Mew's mouth.

The older could only gulp, feeling his body heating up and something in his pants getting a little uncomfortable... Was this real?

"Can ... Can I kiss you?" He whispered softly and got a nod in reponse.

Gulf's thumb slowly got removed from Mew's mouth, the older letting it run over Mew's lips before placing his hand in the other's neck. Both men slowly leaned in, taking a deep breath before their lips met and they started kissing each other.

Softly moving their lips against one another, while Mew's hands found Gulfs chest and Gulf's free arm got wrapped around the younger's waist, carefully pulling him onto his lap. It was almost like a drug, the sweet connection of their lips, the way they hung onto each other even after they brought a little distance between them, before kissing each other again. Their hugs grew tighter, until both of their upper bodies leaned against each other and Mew had wrapped his arms around Gulfs neck.

He could see the younger slowly needing to breath and parted their lips, pulling far enough away to breath but keeping their foreheads together and position exaxctly the same.

"It feels like... everything bubbles and my body feels so hot phi... " Mew panted, holding tightly onto Gulf.

"I am so sorry for earlier..."

"Phi Ohm talked with me... you were scared to say something wrong right? I .... I am sure about what I feel for Phi. So... Phi...?"

Gulf's lips turned into a wide smile while looking at the person in his arms.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

<< YAYYYY I am finally done with the double update. Ugh... took the whole day (Well there was a new EP of ATOTS  and I finished reading my friends book... and had a good cry hahah).

Sooo... Thank you guy's for 2K views and  310 votes... Since it is a double update, how about the next Chapter coming at 360 votes? That should give me a little time to update my other stories too hahaha.

Don't forget to vote and follow me here, if you haven't done so yet.

Love, Ia ♡ >>

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