Part 2

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*information* Inspired by other Wattpad stories like this (don't remember the names but yea)

Nezu has informed them that they have a week for training but the game starts on the first day of training, you can spy or whatever before the actually thing starts the next week

*first day of training-Monday*

Hero team pov

They were all in 1A common room chilling until mina asked "Bakubabe (no they aren't dating it's just something she dose) shouldn't we be training for the game next week?" she asked. Many also had the same thought  but were too scared to ask him cause they might get exploded "WHY SHOULD WE TRAIN EXTRA IT'S 39 VS. 1 IT'S GOING TO END FASTER THAN URARAKA CAN ACTUALLY GET A JOB" he yelled (someone had to say it). Everyone sat there and figured he 'is' correct but people that are close to izu knew he always has something up his sleeve so they they kept the idea in the back of their mind.

Izu pov

It was the first day of training so I thought it would be a good idea to have Mei help me with gear I needed before I started training and got too busy to see her. I walked into the room she's normally in- without knocking I entered since I texted her I'll be needing her help. "Hey izu what's up" "well I need you to make me some support gears" I said, me and Mei are actually really close friends and have a lot in common she won't even have to think before helping me. "oh and I need you to make a bunch of drowns at least 30 the small ones to be exact" her eyes lit up with stars in them and she agreed with everything I said I needed. 

his assassination clothes and he already has the outfits just need some adjustment(if you read my other bnha story I said I'm big fan of femboy for some odd reason) 

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his assassination clothes and he already has the outfits just need some adjustment(if you read my other bnha story I said I'm big fan of femboy for some odd reason) 

Izu can't use the real ones obviously so he made these (I don't know the names so I'll do my best describing them) blinding ones the middle, the ones that makes your ears ring like crazy big one and Nezu gave him the paint bombs the small and big one

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Izu can't use the real ones obviously so he made these (I don't know the names so I'll do my best describing them) blinding ones the middle, the ones that makes your ears ring like crazy big one and Nezu gave him the paint bombs the small and big one. (don't really know how much there might be just know it's alot)

 (don't really know how much there might be just know it's alot)

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