Everyone Deserves to Be Happy (12 X Reader) ♥

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"Slight trigger warning, but a powerful message to it if you're wanting to read it!"
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-Reader's POV-

"It's hideous! Don't look at it!"

"Loose a couple of pounds. Maybe people would like you if you did!"

"You think you're so special?"

"Why are you even here?"

"Why are you even alive?"

Slamming the door behind me, I stormed into my room and plopped onto my bed with a huff. The harsh words played over repeatedly in my head as I lay there pondering over the purpose of being told how truly horrible I am. Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes and a sob escaped my lips. Maybe it was all true; everything they said about me was the utter truth. Rolling over onto my stomach, I muffled my cries so that no one would hear.
Suddenly, the warping sound of the TARDIS increased in volume. I shot up, wiped away the tear stains on my cheeks, and took a deep breath as it slowly appeared in front of me. Once it finished materializing, I stood up and strode confidently through the doors. As soon as they shut, I was met with the familiar old and worn face of the Doctor, but his expression was one of excitement instead of harshness and intensity.
"Hello, (Y/N)!" He greeted with a friendly tone laced in his Scottish accent.
"Hello again, Doctor," I smiled skipping over to him holding my joyous facade. "You seem to be in high spirits today."
"Of course I am! It's been a while since I've seen my companion, why wouldn't I be happy?"
"You saw me only yesterday," I chuckled shaking my head.
"We all have a right to be happy!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up with pure enthusiasm. "Not only that, I've got the perfect journey planned for us today. You're gonna love it."
"Really?! Where are we going?" I asked excitedly. He crouched down to eye level.
"Can you keep a secret?" He asked softly with a gleam in his eye. I scooted closer to him.
"I most certainly can," I whispered back. He moved just an inch closer to me.
"So can I," he answered. I groaned as he chuckled devilishly.
"Oh, come on now, Doctor. That's not funny!"
"Funny for me, not for you!" He taunted as he threw a bunch of switches and pressed random buttons. He really was being a bit over the top today, but at least it's keeping me in high spirits. "Believe me, (Y/n), you're going to enjoy this."
"I'm sure I will..." I trailed off, sitting in the bumper seat. They were coming back. The words. The harsh, painfully truthful words they shot at me.

"Stop trying."

"Nobody likes you."

"Do us a favor and kill yourself."

"(Y/n)? Are you all right?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see the Doctor looking down at me with his thick eyebrows raised.
"I'm fine," I croaked out wincing at my voice. Clearing my throat, I also noticed something wet on my face: I was crying.
"What's the matter with you? You're always so happy when you come in." A shaky sigh escaped my lungs as I composed myself.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" I blurted out.
"What?!" The Doctor shouted slightly taken aback. "Who told you that?"
"Am I fat?" I continued emotionlessly.
"(Y/n), wait a mo-"
"Untalented? Hey, that's a good one." His eyes widened in disbelief as I continued. "Why don't we go see what this world would look like without me, eh?" I got up and bounded over to the console. "I'll bet it looks great! Is that what you wanted to show me?"
"(Y/n), stop it!" He shouted, grabbing tightly onto my shoulders with his eyes wide swimming with grief. "Who's been telling you these things?" He asked with a quiet, intense voice.
"The kids at school," I answered meekly avoiding his gaze by looking down.
"The pudding brains?" He asked with a snarl. "Look at me." Reluctantly, my eyes trailed back up to his eyes. "What makes you think they're right?"
"Everyone says the exact same thing. I'm not special, my face is hard to look at, I'm overweight.." My voice wavered as his eyes softened with every put down I listed. "They want me to kill myself." Sobs ripped from my throat and I hid my face in his chest; at first he tensed up, then he let go of his no hug policy and held me there.
"You should know for a fact that you are none of those things. You are one of the most amazing humans I've ever met in my lifetime." His chin rested comfortingly on the top of my head. "Your high spirits and bright heart light up every star in the galaxy. In fact, you're one of the very few people that annoy me," he admitted jokingly in attempt to make the tone lighter. "And beautiful," he pulled me away from his chest to look into my eyes, "doesn't even begin to describe you. They're merely jealous of you, (Y/n). Everyone has a right to be happy."
"But are you happy?" I asked in a small voice. "With every amazing companion you've had, you end up with ordinary me. Are you honestly satisfied with traveling with me?"
"I'm especially happy being with you! Don't let people put you down. You're wonderful and I'm honored to have met and travel with you." I've never heard him use such kind words, and I'm especially glad he decided to express them to me. That proves I must be some kind of a special person. A smile broke out across my face and I squeezed him tightly; almost instantly, he responded by wrapping his lanky arms around me.
"Thank you, Doctor," I said softly.
"You are most welcome, (Y/n). Now," he continued letting go of me. "On to our destination?"
"Of course!" I exclaimed. With a nod, he made his way back to the console and threw down the lever. Off we go again.


Awwwwwe Twelfy has a soft side!
12:Am not! And don't call me Twelfy!
Fun fact guys 12 is my 2nd fav,11 is mah 1st and 10 is my 3rd (10 was actually my 2nd :*)


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