The truth, and only the truth

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bold: Ethan      italics: Kevin     bold/ italics: Foxy     Normal: Narrator     

Kevin... Tell me...

Ethan, The truth is...

Kevin took off her hat and looked at Ethan, who was eager to know the truth.

I... I am a girl, and not a normal one, I am a part of the fire dragon tribe. The reason I survived that fall and survived the train explosion, was all because of  the magic in me. I used to live in an orphanage, and the day we met, that was when I escaped from there because I found a letter saying my parents were alive on mythic mountain, that's why I wanted to go. I lied to you that day, and I was lying to you till this very moment. And the reason I am so stupid, is because I never went outside, I was stuck inside my whole life, just getting beaten, of "disciplined" in other words, and yes, I stole the name of that author, but my name is 0116, and that man is the headmaster of the orphanage, headmaster Bendel. I am so so so sorry... 

Ethan looked at her in full shock. Not ever has he felt this betrayed before. He looked at Headmaster Bendel and the crying Qatya. He was so mad, he could not control his anger and attacked Headmaster Bendel, mercilessly. The head master had no time to protect himself, and was beaten so bad he had to let go of Qatya. 


Ethan turned to look at Kevin, and Kevin looked back, horrified of the orange flames that looked back at her. Ethan at full speed to Kevin, held her by the neck of her sweater, and formed his hand into a fist. Kevin closed her eyes, bracing for it, until Ethan saw fear all over Kevin, Foxy and the other hillager's face. He let go of Kevin and ran away to a cherry blossom field just close by to the village. 

Ethan!! Wait-

No, don't go, I will talk to him. Just make sure nobody is hurt and take care of that headmaster.


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