first meeting in da prison

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I now get notifs when people comment/vote/save this story and they make me literally so happy thx for almost 200 reads!! :)

The iron blocks in front of him retracted, releasing the sliding sound of the pistons and iron scraping against iron. The next hallway of the prison was revealed to Ranboo, the dim torch-lit light shining onto his face. He smiled as he realized he hadn't been to this hallway before and was therefore making some progress.

A small shake was sent through his body, he shivered but shook it off. That happened pretty much every night, he would begin to get cold drafts up his back. Little did Ranboo know, that every time those happened his appearance changed ever so slightly. His red eye slipping from the right side of his face, slowly infecting his green eye, blinding his rational side.

He stepped through the doorway and peeked around the corner, squinting in the dim light to see if this was his destination. The hallway was lined with torches and had a blank wall at the end. The wall, Ranboo, put the lever on the wall. His head whispered to him. He did as told and walked cautiously to the end of the hallway and placed his lever in the middle of the wall, flipping it. The wall began to retract, pistons behind it were moving against one another, eventually pulling the netherite bricks away from Ranboo, showing a small bridge to an iron door. Ranboo squinted again to the door, he spotted a pair of e/c eyes staring through the slots in the door. His heart began to pick up its pace.

"Hello?" He spoke into the empty space between himself and the door. The eyes suddenly darted away from the door and they were no longer visible to the tall boy.

"Dream? Is that you..." Ranboo almost pleaded, he did not want to be in the prison much longer than necessary. A small "no, it's not him." Came from behind the door.

Ranboo' s ears perked up at the noise. "What...?" He said more softly, beginning to move his boots along the small netherite bridge to the door.

"Hello?" He repeated once he had reached the door. "Who are you?" The eyes reappeared, a small face being made out in the dim light around it.

"Who are you, then?" The eyes asked in a guarded voice. Ranboo smiled a little, "I asked first." He responded softly, not wanting to scare this new person.

" can I trust you? You're obviously here illegally." The skeptical h/c eyes met Ranboo's, now mostly red eyes. "Because uhhh I literally can't even get to you right now, how am I supposed to hurt you or something even like that?" He offered.

The being seemed to still be skeptical but rolled its eyes in compliance.

"I'm y/nickname, and you?"


"Hmmm, cool name there stranger." He laughed slightly and nodded at the half-compliment. The conversation fell silent for a moment, before being brought back when a shuffling noise came from the cell in front of Ranboo. The unknown person had disappeared and was rummaging through something in the cell. Suddenly a piece of paper popped through the slots in the door, connected to a human hand.

"Mind giving this to dream if you find him?" The voice that was one with the hand asked. Ranboo shook his head a bit. "I don't know if I'll see him tonight or even soon, better keep it." He could hear the shrug the person gave as they retracted their hand.

Ranboo tried to imagine the person inside the cell, with the visuals he had been given, two eyes, a hand, and the vague shape of their face.

"What are you?" Y/nickname asked. "You don't exactly look completely human, not that you're not good looking." A small blush crossed Ranboo's face as he stuttered a response. "Half enderman, and uh...yeah"

"Cool, man. Wish I was something interesting like that!" The light shining into the door revealed a small smile on y/n's face to the red-eyed boy. This made his heart skip a beat, catching him off guard.

The skipping of his heart seemed to pull Ranboo back into his mission, You're not supposed to be...flirting with some random prisoner, you have a mission... His head seemed to be angry with him, angry he was wasting his time here instead of working towards the green teletubby.

"I'm sure you're plenty cool, y/nickname, but I should probably get going, not really supposed to be talking to you in here." Ranboo reached to his back harness and pulled out his pickaxe to show he had other things to do. The shadow of y/n nodded, understanding he didn't really want to talk anymore.

"I wish you luck on your impossible mission Ranboo." Y/n said, adding a teasing tone. Ranboo gripped his pickaxe tighter and sighed a little ticked off. "It's not impossible, I'm close I know it."

"Right, right, have fun, I need to sleep anyway. Goodnight Ranboo." Y/n brushed off his passive aggressive tone and turned to sit on her single bed. Ranboo turned to walk back across the bridge, switching his lever once more to close the walls surrounding his new contact. He broke the lever and walked back down the hallway to the next large iron door that he had to figure out how to get through.

Before he got to work, though, he turned his head to the blank wall that had just moments ago opened to a new part of his journey through Pandora's. He bit his lip a little, realizing he had been slightly harsh to the new person he just met, but mentally slapped himself to get his mind back on track. He turned his head back to the iron wall in front of him, his head felt clearer than when he had woke up for tonight's mission. His eye that had been slowly becoming red, was regaining its green color, although Ranboo was unaware of this.

He refocused on how he was going to break through the door, keeping the kind new person he had just met in the back of his mind.

i downloaded the wattpad app on my phone and I'm debating deleting it cause it's kinda worse than just doing it on a browser?? like how is that possible?? maybe I'm just so used to doing it on a browser, idk

feedback is appreciated! again thank you for almost 200 reads wtf!!! ily<3

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