Chapter 1

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Woke up today... you wish you hadn't. You were in a trance but got woken up by Pansy throwing a pillow at you,

"I'm up! I'm up pans!" you say in a whiny voice

"Good! Come, I'm going so make sure to go get breakfast." Said Pansy

"yeah yeah" you reply as she leaves

You and Pansy were friends but the type of friends where you'd only talk if you were around certain people or in a certain place. You roll over instead of getting up, dreading the day ahead but you got up and put on your robes but missed breakfast as you told yourself you weren't hungry. Racing to your first class you bump into Draco Malfoy and his friends, Draco's friends are the reason you're so mentally screwed up.

"I'm sorry!" You say being polite and gestured a smile

"Watch where you're going! cow.." Draco says rolling his eyes and the commentary not far behind..

"Move!" One of the boys says pushing you to one side and after they sit down you go in after and join the class. All lesson you could hear talking and laughing behind you, making disgusting comments about you specifically and them knowing you can hear. It was lies, all of it. You had almost fallen asleep by the time professor Snape said it was okay to leave, you grabbed your things as quickly as you could and headed to your next class, astrology. You enjoyed astrology because you enjoyed the company of stars at night, giving you a sense of comfort you never had but you also hated it because you knew that when the stars come out your mind would start a rampage of thoughts going through your mind. Professor Trelawney asked you to step up and tell a prediction with the stars so you got up and headed to the scope, you look through it smiling

"I predict-" you began saying but was cut off by Malfoy and his friends

"No one cares!" They all shout

your heart sank... "you may sit now y/n" said Professor Trelawney

The lesson felt like it went on for hours and you had zoned out for most of it until people started to get up and leave, you pack your things and get going racing to the great hall for lunch. You are a Slytherin so you sit at the Slytherin table but on your own because you preferred it. Draco and his friends (crabbe & goyle) raced over.

"Hey boys! how's your day going" you say with a smile hoping there not going to make a stupid comment

"soo y/n" says goyle "what are you eating" crabbe continues

"Not much, I'm not too hungry" you say back refusing to give the boys any satisfaction

"Come on boys, we have better people to talk too" Draco says in a harsh tone, crabbe and goyle started to walk away, I stopped Draco

"Have a good day" I say with another huge smile

"Whatever." He replied bluntly

After all your classes have finished you head back to your dorm only to continue working, you thought about dinner but after today you didn't want to go at all and you know Pansy won't be back anytime soon so you stick some comfy pjs on and grab your journal that you hide away in your wardrobe far away from Pansy because you knew she'd read it if she found it.
Journal entry 24: today's been tough, Malfoy and his friends have been nasty as always. I woke up today really wishing I hadn't, sometimes I laugh at myself because I wonder why I'm so nice to people that hate me but as I've always said to myself If you choose to be nice to one person then you must be nice to all. Not a day goes by where I don't think about Malfoy, I feel kind of bad for him because he's putting up this barrier making people think he's the toughest person but he's not falling me, there's something going on. Maybe I'll find out one day, maybe I won't

y/n x
you're getting hot in the dorm so you open a window and roll up your sleeves so your skin can breathe taking a deep breath while looking down

"Fuck" you think to yourself, seeing every scar and fresh line possible. It put you down so you change, hide your journal and head over to moaning Myrtle, she's always listened to your moaning, if you've had a bad day because of Malfoy she'd be the first person you'd go too for comfort. On the way you make sure to sneak around so no one see's you especially Malfoy.. you walk and walk until you got to the bathroom making a swift left turn. Hours pass before you realise and head back to your dorm, while walking back this time not worried about anyone seeing you, you open a book you had brought with you to show Myrtle hours earlier. You were an excellent drawer although you dared tell a soul. You turn a corner absolutely engulfed in your special book

"ugh what the fuck" it was a boys voice

"Oh I'm sorry, are you okay?" You say looking up with a worried face, you sigh...

"y/n? haven't I already told you to watch where you're going?!" Draco hissed

"oh hey Draco, I know I apologise i know I wasn't paying attention... goodnig-" you reply

Before you could finish Draco scoffed and walked off leaving you just standing there. By the time you got back to the common room it was quite late and you couldn't wait to go to sleep but as soon as you walked through all you could hear were impulsive thoughts, you thought 'I have my book and I have a pen' and looked to the fire, you sat down and began to draw the first thing that came to mind. Drawing was like an escape and every time you drew it felt like you had the world bowing at your feet. Not long after starting you got cold and sleepy and soon enough your time came and you fell asleep on the couch instead of your bed.

you've been asleep for many hours but awoke to the sound of the door opening but you chose ignore it and continue to sleep. It was crabbe, goyle and Malfoy who had just walked in and all you could think off was 'fuck'.

"Crabbe! Look who it is.." goyle says with a deepened tone

"oh shit, Malfoy look it's y/n" said crabbe

You could hear shuffling like someone was walking over and again you think 'fuck'

"Cool" Draco said with no emotion

"Cool? She's passed out it's hilarious" goyle replied causing crabbe to laugh

"Get fucked the both of you, leave her be." Draco said angrily...then does a sort of sigh of relief

The 2 boys walked away from what you could hear, still pretending to sleep you hear the sound of the fire place crackle, Draco muffled those beautiful sounds by pouring himself a drink and sitting down opposite you. You were scared that he was going to use waking you up as part of a sick joke but he didn't, he just sat there until you hear him get up once again and come closer and you think about where your book is at... 'shit I think I've dropped it' you think to yourself and you did.

"Let's see what this is then" he grunts

you hear the book open and it's killing you. Draco doesn't move for ages making you nodd off completely.

Time passes-
"Get up y/n!" Pansy sighs but this time she doesn't stay long before going to breakfast

you open your eyes and your back in your dorm, "how the fuck am I in here? An- shit WHERES MY BOOK" You asked yourself, looking at the time and you're running late to your first class. You roll over slowly putting your hands under your pillow only to find your beloved book under it. Was it Malfoy... no it couldn't of been. You've never felt so embarrassed and you had to find Myrtle ASAP.

Missing breakfast and your first class and now entering your second class, you sit down at your usual place and zone out to make the class more bare-able ignoring every sly comment made by yet again crabbe and goyle but this time Malfoy wasn't joining in.

"Go on Draco you say something!" Goyle giggled like how a little girl would giggle at a birthday party

'Here we go' is all you thought, bracing yourself for impact thinking he's going to talk to you...

"Shut the fuck up. Both of you cause your pissing me off" he said coldly. They did.

The class finished and you weren't feeling it at all, you walked into the great hall and sat in your usual spot trying to ignore every word your fucked up brain was telling you, you couldn't bare it, you hadn't found Myrtle yet either and you were still embarrassed about the night before so you go to the next best place... the astronomy tower.

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