Chapter 14

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After the encounter with jack, you have a terrible feeling that you made things a lot worse. Every class you go to through out the day jack is always there waiting for you, he does nothing but observe you. You stay close to Theo but there are classes he isn't in. You head to your last class of the day, astronomy

"I'll be right here y/n" Draco smiles

"I don't need to be constantly watched Draco" you laugh

"He might hurt you!" Draco frowns

"He wouldn't dare." You reply and as you do jack walks through the door, he isn't in this class

"Hi Professor, miss y/n is needed in Dumbledores office" he smiled

"Don't you dare." Draco whispered

"I'll be fine" you laugh, jack walks back out and you begin to walk to Dumbledores office. You knock and wait

"Come in" a voice says softly and you do "y/n? What can I do for you, Myself and Mr Potter have some things to discuss" he asks

"Hey y/n! Ron's been talking about you a lot" Harry says

"Hi Harry, really? Say hi for me and I was told that you needed to talk to me Professor" you reply

"Must be a mistake, you may go" Dumbledore smiles

"Thank you, nice seeing you Harry" you smile and walk away. You head back to the common room and you see someone standing in the way of the door.

"Excuse me" you ask

"Hi y/n" jack says "your boyfriends beat me up good" he smiles

"You deserved it and You're sick.." you reply "move" you hiss

"Go on a date with me." He asks brushing hair out of your face

"Did you not understand what I said this morning" you shout "Fuck off"

"Quit shouting or I might have to finish what I started in that dorm of yours." he said softly pushing you up against the wall

"T-THEO" you scream "g-get off me! Please" you cry

"you're not so tough are you" jack smiled, he puts his hands on your hips trapping you "you're going to do as I say y/n" he smirks

"Jack please.. please leave me alone. You're sick" you reply squirming to get free

"Tell me you love me. Promise me you'll break it off with Theo and you hate him." Jack laughs

"W-what" You whisper

"Tell me You love me and hate Theo y/n" jack says with his hands going lower and lower the more you resist

"I-I love you! I-I hate Theo" You cry "now let go" you say and he let's go and walks away. You're left in the hallway on your own breathing heavily, his hands all over you again and his breath on your neck. You stand up and walk into the common room barley able to breathe, pacing back and forth you fail to realise that Theo and Draco are there in front of you.

"H-he touched me again" you pant

"this is my fault" Draco says "y/n I'm so sorry" he began to panic

"what?!" Theo shouted

"I-I let her go on her own, jack came in earlier and said Dumbledore asked for her..I should have known" Draco shouts "FUCK"

"P-please stop shouting" you pant

"Darling breathe, I'm sorry.. Draco this isn't your fault" Theo says softly

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