Chapter 4

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Confusion spreads across my face after his welcome and my eyes fall to the floor. A prison world? That sounds absolutely insane. I mean nothing can really sound insane given that I am a witch and my boyfriend is a vampire, but still. I have been around a long time so how have I never heard of something like this before?

After being lost in my thoughts, I bring my focus back to Kai seeing that he had moved to the foyer and is grabbing a set of car keys off of the table. Once he picks them up he heads towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I question making him stop in his tracks and spin on his feet to look at me.

"Well I'm hungry and you haven't eaten since you got here yesterday. So I figured we could take a ride into town and get some food." Kai starts to turn around again but he stops when I start to speak.

"Wait.... you are just going to drop the news that I'm in a Prison World and not even explain to me what that means?" I walk up the two steps towards him.

He looks at me with narrow eyes. "You're a witch...I just assumed you knew what a Prison World was."

I take a step closer. "If I knew what it was I wouldn't be asking." I tilt my head eager to hear his answer.

"Fair enough." He turns and opens the door walking outside. Rolling my eyes, I follow in his footsteps to see a very nice blue Chevy Camaro awaiting us.

"This is Damons car..." I announce. "Also you never answered my question."

"Lets just talk about it over food, okay?" He climbs into the drivers seat while I stand still. He lets out a big sigh, shifting his head in my direction.

"We can't drive Damons car... he will kill us if he finds out." I tell him.

Kai pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Get in the damn car or I will leave you here to starve." he threatens.

My stomach starts to growl so I do as he says and climb into the passenger seat. I latch my seatbelt and stare out the window. Kai isn't going to give me any answers right now so I choose to sit in silence as we drive.

The silence obviously doesn't sit well with him because he flicks on the radio and turns the volume all the way up. I catch site of the ring on his finger tapping the steering wheel to the beat. Dragging my eyes from the ring up to his mouth which is singing along with the lyrics.

I hadn't really focused on his face for too long before because well...I was scared. He was a stranger in my boyfriends house plus I was really confused by this whole situation. I allow myself to scan his face for a couple seconds only to realize how attractive he is.

Jesus Quinn stop it!

His lips curl into a smile and I immediately feel embarrassed. He noticed I was staring at him. Wonderful.

I snap my head back towards my window putting my focus on the scenery we are passing by. The cars that are parked on the side of the street are old as well as the houses. I haven't seen a single person in site while we have been driving which is odd.

When we finally reach the town, he pulls into a spot in front of the Mystic Grill and parks the car. I slowly step out of the passenger side and look around the town square. No one...there is no one here. Kai makes his way past me and heads straight for the front door of the grill. I take one last look before entering the restaurant myself.

I guess I'm not shocked when I walk in to see the place empty and quiet. Kai is already back in the kitchen getting supplies out. I meet him in the poorly lit kitchen and watch as he places two patties on the stove. He lowers the fries into the fryer and starts to season the burgers.

Leaving Kai to his work I walk back out to the dining area and find a seat. I place my head in my hands, closing my eyes letting my thoughts race around in my mind. My concentration is broken when I hear a plate slide in front of me. I lift my head up to see Kai sitting across from me with a burger and fries inches away from each of us.

"Are you going to tell me what a Prison World is now?" I ask him while he shoves fries in his mouth.

He doesn't swallow his food before he talks. "Wow you are so impatient." I give him an annoyed smile.

"Okay," he wipes his hands with a napkin. "a Prison World is a place that a Coven creates to send witches who have done bad..." he pauses, "no... terrible things to spend the rest of eternity in solitude." He corrects himself then takes a bite of his burger.

"Solitude?" I question. "You mean they send them there to be alone?" I finally take a bite of a fry. I didn't realize how hungry I was until that first bite so I take another. Guess that explains why I haven't seen another person other than him.

"Isn't that what solitude means? Or has the meaning changed in the past two decades?" Before I can answer his question Kai gets up to get us drinks from behind the bar. Coming back with two opened beers he sets one in front of me and takes a sip of his.

"No it hasn't changed." I take a sip of my beer. "I guess I'm just confused because if this was meant to be my Prison World then why are you here?"

"That's the thing Quinn." He sets his beer on the table. "This isn't your Prison World.... its mine."

Author Note:

Hello!!! Hope you are liking the story so far!

Why do you think Quinn got sent to this Prison world? Was she sent here on purpose or was it just a mistake?

Don't'll find out soon :)

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