Chapter 9

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Kai looks at me in disbelief. "That's not possible. Vampires can't compel witches."

"Yeah well he is a special kind of vampire." I say as I turn the water off and grab my towel. I wrap it around me looking at Kai through the mirror.

He follows my actions and is now standing next to me, leaning his hip against the counter. "An Original?"

I snap my head to the left staring at him. "How do you know..."

"I was apart of society for 22 years Quinn. And as a coven we knew about every threat out there, including the original vampires." He cuts me off. "So what exactly happened?"

"Well...uhm.." I look at him with sad eyes. Here goes nothing. "One of the Originals wanted my help to break a curse. You see he was a hybrid, half vampire half werewolf. He wanted to break the curse so he could create more hybrids."

"To break the curse he needed a vampire, a werewolf, a doppelgänger and a witch to do the spell. That's where I came in. He told me that he wouldn't choose any of my friends to be in the sacrifice but it was hard since Elena was the doppelgänger. I trusted him and he lied. My friends and I came up with a plan and tricked him. Which only made him angrier."

I look to kai who was listening intently. As I begin to tell him the next part:


"How dare you!" He rushes over to me throwing me against a wall. "I trusted you!"

"And I trusted you!" I cry out. "You said you wouldn't use my friends and you lied!"

"You should know by now that I will do whatever it takes to get what I want!" He grabs me by the arm, ripping me off the floor and walking to the next room.

"Where are you taking me?" My voice shakes.

"Lucky for you, I know how you can make it up to me." We enter the room to see my friends standing there. They look at each other all confused then back at us.

"You're going to kill them." He says to me.

" please.." tears fall from my eyes.

"Do it!" He yells in my face. I beg for him to not make me do this. I can't do this, not to them. I watch as his eyes grow dark with anger at my pleas.

He focuses his eyes hard on mine. "Kill them.. now."

Something switches in my body after he speaks.  My eyes are on his and then to my friends. He tells me once more to do it and not to care. I don't fight him this time. I walk over to where Stefan is standing, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Quinn...please don't.." his words are cut off as my hand raises, bringing it up inches from his chest. He looks down at the placement and starts to gasp in pain. My eyes don't move from his until his heart is out of his chest and is sitting in my hand. I watch as his lifeless body drops to the ground and I feel nothing. I let his heart roll out of my hands letting it land beside him.

"Who's next?" I look from Elena to Caroline. They both plead with me, begging me not to kill them but I don't care. They sound pathetic with their whines. I walk over to Caroline and rip her heart from her chest just like I did with Stefan. Elena cries as she watches her friend fall to the ground.

"And then we have Elena." I tilt my head at her. She will be the easiest to kill since she is human. One flick of my wrist and I could snap her neck.

"Please Quinn... you don't have to do this." She begs.

"Oh but I want to." I point my finger at her. "Out of everyone, you were my least favorite" Before she can say anything I snap her neck and she is gone.

"That's more like it." I hear Klaus grinning behind me. I turn with a smile as he approaches me staring deeply into my eyes. "Now you can care."

My eyes fall from his to look over at my friends. "Oh my god..What did you make me do!" I rush to Stefans side and drop to my knees."No... no... I'm so sorry. Oh my god.... no!"

End flashback

"And then when all was said and done, Klaus left me to clean up their bodies."

"So they are all dead?" Kai asks as I finish my story.

"They were but I saved them all." I tell him. "My friend Bonnie is the anchor to the other side and I had the chance to bring them back and that's what I did."

"So then do you think you got sent here because you killed them or because you brought them back?" He questions.

"Klaus doesn't know that I brought them back." I state.

"He must have known. I don't think your friends would have sent you here after you brought them back from the grave." He has a point. They wouldn't have sent me here so it had to have been Klaus. But how-

"Elijah." I whisper as I think back to our conversation:

"I have to do this. They are my family. I can't just leave them on the other side!"

He winces at my words. "It's not a good idea and you know it Quinn. If Klaus finds out you went behind his back again.."

"He won't because no one will tell him." I cut him off. "Right Elijah?" I look at him with pleading eyes.

He sighs. "I won't tell him."

"Give me your word." I demand. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"I give you my word Quinn." I run into his arms giving him a hug. Thanking him before running off to find Bonnie.

"That son of a bitch!" I yell.

"Who is Elijah?" Kai asks.

"The reason I'm here. He must have told Klaus I saved them and then Klaus had me sent away as revenge!" I grab a bar of soap from the bowl on Damon's counter and chuck it at the mirror.

"Woah Quinn calm down." Kai grabs my arms turning me towards him before I can throw something else.

I let out a weak laugh. "It's funny isn't it? Your family betrayed you and mine betrayed me."

"Your family?" Kai asks as he still has a hold of my arms.

"Klaus and Elijah are my brothers."

Authors Note:

Ohhhh my!!!

So Quinn is a Mikaelson! Did you see that one coming?

Also don't worry things will get steamy soon :)

I know Elena is a human at this point but she ended up on the other side since she is a doppelgänger and that is supernatural.

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