-ˋˏ relationships ˎˊ-

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chaewons personality
chaewon is quite an unusual soul to say the least. she didn't have many friends in school but she had a smaller group that she now has no contact with, Bailey, Changmin and Sakura. She used to be a bright and uplifting soul, always making everybody laugh and bringing the best out in people. Now she's a cold and stubborn girl. Being forced into things isn't the easiest thing ever and changes your personality a lot...clearly. Her trainee days shaped her the way she is as of now, well so she believes. She tends to blame things on people that they had no say in, and has a short temper. All of this rage is built because of her parents. Although she may be this cold figure, she is a very reliable person, you tell her you need help getting something, she's on it. One of the things Lee Chaewon can't stand is loudness. If people are shouting around her, there is no doubt she will tell them shut up quicker than they can say another word. Same for noises in general, if she hears things being banged, she's loosing her head. Chaewon is also a focused person, which leads her to work well, but only when she wants to. She can be lazy like us all. She needs motivation in something to be focused on it. Once she has all of the above, she will pour her soul into something she wants and won't stop until she gets it.


chaewon x yeonjun
yeonjun and chaewon have good chemistry together, although she didn't have a huge liking for any members at start, she has a softish side for him. They give sibling like energy towards each other and are there for one another when help is most needed. Their clashing traits are 'moody' (YJ) and 'stubborn' (CW). Chaewon thinks she's right in many situations and this is one of the things that pisses yeonjun off about her. Yeonjun is a very moody soul sometimes, this gets on Chaewons nerves even though she is quite moody herself. Chaewon loves how gentle he is though, he would never purposely hurt anyone no matter what they do to him. He puts others before himself and this is something chaewon aspires to acquire in herself. Yeonjun finds chaewons hard work ethic attractive and impressive, if someone needs help, she will help them but she won't admit she's helping them. She will do it secretly. Unless she doesn't like you then you have no chance. This is also something yeonjun wants to learn from.


soobin x chaewon
soobin and chaewon have an interesting relationship between the two. They could wake up and love each other and not want to leave each other's side....or wake up and want nothing to do with each other. There's no in between. They are very petty when it comes to one another, soobin does one tiny thing and chaewon is loosing the plot. Chaewon does something dumb, and soobin is loosing brain cells. chaewon is a person who needs a notice before doing something, this is where her and soobin clash heads because soobin is the most impulsive person she knows. he sees something and wants to buy it or do it, he will with no doubt or remorse. This aside, they have some chemistry when they want to be nice to each other and not rats to one another. soobin is very loyal, he won't backstab you and keeps his promises, like chaewon but slightly different. He's very thoughtful especially towards his members, although he's impulsive if he thinks something will hurt another members feelings or even mentally, he will resist from doing it. That is chaewons favourite trait he has and soobin adores how quick chaewon can get things done once her mind is to it.


taehyun x chaewon
taehyun is about the only person chaewon got on with at the start of befriending TXT. She felt as if he shared almost the same personality with her. He always made her laugh, well, most of the time. Whenever she felt as if she came to a dead end, taehyun always showed her another route she could always take which helped her a lot. This relationship may seem like rainbows and fairies, but it's not all that. They have their down sides too; Taehyun gets very jealous very easily, not all jealousy happens when two people are dating. If chaewon was with another member, taehyun would get jealous of both her and the member, this causes a lot of friction and arguments with all the group, sometimes ending up in grudges that lasted days. Something chaewon does like about taehyun though, is how effortlessly encouraging and uplifting he is, she is heavily inspired by this as the can be a negative person a lot. Taehyun likes also, how chaewon puts her mind to things so well, he wishes he could attain the focus she has when it comes to you setting a goal for himself.


beomgyu x chaewon
where do i even begin with these two. they despise each other deeply. i don't have an answer on why but chaewon and beomgyu always found a way to push each others buttons accidently, and even on purpose. They had a negative dig for one another and got entertainment out of the other being annoyed or mad. Beomgyu is judgemental when it comes to things like backgrounds and even looks sometimes, this doesn't sit well with chaewons personality. They may seem like a match made in heaven by the sound of their personalities but they are far from that. They can't be left in the same room alone with one another or it will end up in a cat fight. These two just have it for each other with no clear sign why...yet.


hueningkai x chaewon
These two got on like 2 peas in a pod. It took a while to get to that level of friendship, but they got there eventually. Hueningkai is such a bubbly and kind person that chaewon couldn't even find an excuse to be cold towards him, well, most of the time. One of the things that did really push her over the edge was how loud the guy is. Chaewon hates loud noises especially talking and laughing, and with this guys laugh in her ear almost everyday, that causes bumps in the road of their friendship. She found it hard to hold grudges on him, for days anyways. They have good chemistry also together but some things just clash, like any good friendship.


Quick facts on chaewon

* She wanted to be a teacher growing up, not an idol

* She suffers from stage fright and being in front of cameras

* Her parents are not abusive, they just treat her as if she's some sort of puppet

* She has never dated once in her 19 years of being alive because she doesn't believe in true love

* She's a person who is hard to be tricked, you have to be extremely sly or manipulative to play any sort of games on her

* she's not a morning person. if you try pull this girl out of bed at 7am, you've wasted your time

* Insecure. Like any human, she has insecurities especially living in korea and having to have certain standards. She doesn't have long thin legs like the rest of idols, she has pretty short legs with thicker thighs. She also has a larger ribcage, causing it to stick out when she looses weight.

* she was forced into dance classes 3 times a week since she was 12 and then was casted as a trainee when she turned 14

* her sister is a huge idol and that's where her parents thought she could pick up the career magically

* She has 0 singing or rapping talent, therefore it was all learnt, but not easily


Okay! That's it for the basic things you need to know about people in this story. Now, let's get into the actual story and i hope you enjoy it!


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