Chpater 9

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I had awoken, with her in my arms. Nothing could have been more sweet and satisfying in the moment. It felt so surreal, I couldn't even tell you how much pleasure I had felt last night. It's almost as if she was stretching around my body, hitting places I could never experience with anyone else. My body was definitely sore, and because of that, I wanted to lie down for a little longer. I stared up at the ceiling, being careful not to move too much with her in my arms.

Just then I heard faint, but quiet footsteps coming from the hallway. I raised my head but, no one was there. They started to become louder and louder, until I could hear a soft whisper in my ear.

"Well well, if it isn't Y/N? I came here to find Helen after what she had done to me all of these years. Constantly making me feel second rate in the office, but now. Let me take away the one thing, she cannot replace. You."

Just then I felt a cold sweat and I started to feel lightheaded, I had no idea what was happening. The room was spinning, it almost felt as if I was spinning for a moment. The back of my head hit the pillow, and I could no longer...feel...anything...

Helen's POV

I had awoken to no Y/N in sight. It was only eight in the morning, I figured he would've loved to mess around a little bit this morning. I did tire him out a lot last night to say the least. Let me check my phone, maybe he said something about his absence.

No New Notifications

Strange, very strange indeed. He couldn't have gone to work, we both took the same the day off. Maybe I'll just shoot him a call.

Ringing ringing ringing ringing... no answer

His clothes weren't on the floor either, all of them were taken.

Before I panic, I first should check his apartment, assuming he made it back home safe. I had gotten dressed in Champion sweats and made my way to my car. Started that baby up and made my way over to his apartment. Part of me was tempted to hit Metroville Muffins again, but I had more pressing matters then a Chocolate milk and a chocolate chip muffin.

I eagerly approached the front door of his apartment building, to find a note.

If your finding this, I have gone on vacation to Metropolis to check in on a couple relatives. I'll be back by the end of the month!

Bull shit. He could not have gotten a flight and went all the way to Metropolis in the matter of time we had sex to now. This does not add up one bit. This penmanship was eerily familiar, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I took the note from the door. I figured if anyone would know about a trip, it would be Y/N's best friend.

I knocked on his door, impatiently.

"Woah lady? Wassup?" He clutched a bottle of gin and he was obviously not okay. But to be fair I would drink too if I was a Blackhawks fan.

"What happened to Y/N?" I looked at him with urgency.

"How am I supposed to know? Last I seen him, he told me he was gonna lay the pipe on you, by the way, did he?" A very inappropriate question, to ask and one I was not willing to answer.

"That's not relevant, have you seen this note taped to his door?" I shown him the note and he took it with his free hand.

"Woah, what the fuck dude? I could've sworn he never had family there. This is not right. I'll keep my eyes out, if he comes around... or whatever." He took a sip of gin, he wreaked of the smell. I felt intoxicated smelling him, and I wasn't the one drinking.

"Thank you, I'll do the same, bye now" I left his doorstep and approached my car.

"Damn, I need to start looking at office chicks, she's got a total wagon" I pretended I didn't hear him. It was true though, but this wagon only belongs to one dude right now. And his name is, Y/N.

Wherever you are Y/N, I will find you. And whoever did this to you, will rot in prison. Rest assured.


PHEW NO CAP THIS WAS FUN! I hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter coming soon baby. Also, Beyblade Metal Series book coming soon, I loved that anime as a kid and I just started rewatching it. Masamune is my favorite!

Few things with this though, once I do get to finishing this, I want to do some sort of collab with my friend who had recently hopped on this beautiful platform. I think we can get something going forreal.

All the love y'all, seriously. Now if you excuse me, Imma go watch some Goodnightmoon Asmr, she's just 🥰😍

🌸 So Inspirational 🌸

ElastigirlXMaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now