Chapter 36-Outer World Part One

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Cold, a winter land filled with giants of ice and mountains of snow. Yet the planet thrived on its own prey and predator system. The strong survived, and the weak die. Most of the time, other times something unexpected would happen, random hail storms, rain that melted snow and shifted it into an icy atmosphere. That could freeze anyone standing in it for long. Yet a civilization walked among this planet, living everyday differently. Changing with the planets change. This harsh planet was called Yivis(Yi-vus), and the colony that settles within is known as the Icory(Ick-ory). Made of many races, they all have one goal in common to survive. But with so many races, you'd expect to learn about the many that live here, however that is not the case. We're only here for one person, a singular Saiyan that was deported and turned into royalty. That Saiyan's name is none other than.

"Kytel! Are you done yet! Could you get out here already!"

An agitated blue skinned man yelled, who's orange hair puffed down to his back and over his shoulders. Soon enough a Saiyan with a strong build; spiky black hair with a singular bang; a scar on his left eye, and an actual tail appeared.

"About time, Kytel. If you were in there any longer, I might have busted the door down."

Kytel chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, Harmen I just couldn't hold in all that water I drank earlier."

"Uh huh, I don't need to know that. Now move so I can use the bathroom!"

Kytel stepped aside letting Harmen enter the bathroom.

"Man, he doesn't seem happy today... Oh well! All I know, is now I'm hungry! That toilet was a formidable foe!"

"Already talking about eating at a time like this, tsk, tsk. No restraint at all."

Kytel turned his head to see a female with orange hair, and blue skin as well. Except her orange hair curled in multiple directions.

"Oh! Yoppa! You're back!"

Kytel open his arms wide and attempted to hug Yoppa. But as he got close, she held her arm out and pressed him back by his face.

"What did I tell you about physical contact!"

"But, Yoppaaa!!"

"No! Stop it! Stop it!! Kytel damn it I said stop!!"

Yoppa was on the ground Kytel looming over her.

"Ha, got you!"

In an instant Yoppa began growling at Kytel, before.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!!"

Kytel got up quickly and bolted from the angry Yoppa. Who was chasing after him angerly.

"Please Yoppa! I sorry!!!"

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it! You broke rule two! Now you'll suffer the consequence's!"

"Yoppa!! Please!! Don't!!"

As Kytel turns the corner, he bumps into a robed person. They were tall, and slim. The color of their skin different from Harmen and Yoppa. A dark red tone with white slicked back hair.

"Huh! What the hells going on!"

"OH! Dola, thank god you're here. You see Yoppa's trying to."

From down the hall, Yoppa screams for Kytel with a blood thirsty tone in her voice. Instantly telling Dola everything.

"Well, Kytel. You better keep running."

"W-W-What! You aren't gonna help me?!"

Dola stepped aside and watched as Kytel burst off from him, then Yoppa appearing right after. Still in pursuit of Kytel.

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