1. Story of Garbage Thrower

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There used to be an old lady in the period of Prophet Muhammed (Peace and blessings be upon him). She would wake early in the morning and sweep her house, collect all the garbage and save it in a basket. So that she can throw the garbage on the Prophet, who used pass by her house for namaz early in the morning. Basically, the old lady was angry on Prophet (as he used to tell to stop worshiping the idols and believe on the only one Allah) and his prohecy. As no one has ever seen the prophet angry, she thought to make him anger and let him shout on her as she throws the garbage!

 With the idea in her mind, she was ready to implement this. She heard the footsteps approaching by the street beside to her house and it was the Prophet Muhammed (Peace and blessings be upon him). She picked the basket up in her hands and threw all the garbage on the Prophet. And to the old lady's surprise, he did not say anything and continued on his way.

She (the old lady) did the same the following day but to her disappintment, He (the prophet) did not say a word and continued. She misinterpreted His attitude as fear and decided to repeat the same everyday in order to keep him frightened, so that he might stop preaching the oneness of God. And on the other hand, Prophet Muhammed (Peace and blessings be upon him) instead of picking an alternate route, continued to walk down the same street everyday and prayed Allah for the woman to recognize the Truth (Islam).

This became routine But One day, the Prophet did not find the woman to be on the roof of her house with the basket, which worried him and went to her house to enquire about her.

He went to the door and knocked it. 

"Who is it?" , the old lady from the house asked.

"Muhammed bin Abdullah" (Muhammed son of Abdullah) was the reply. "Can I come in?" added the Prophet at the door.

The old lady was afraid that the Prophet came to take revange on her. But the permission to enter her house was in such a gentle voice that she allowed hin in.The Prophet entered her house and asked about her health. On finding how ill she was, he gently asked her if she needed any help.

She was hypnotized by the affectionate tone in the Holy Prophet's blessed voice and inspired by the kind attitude, which made her to recognize the Truth and accepted Islam.

It was the behaviour of Prophet Muhammed(peace and blessings be upon him) that made people of Arab to accept Islam and NOW the people of the world are making fun of such a noble man who showed a right path to the whole humankind.


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Jazakallah khair. :)

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