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mi amor

hey how r u


im alr

i feel like im abt to fall asleep tho

please keep me awake this lesson is important

mi amor

ok i guess i'll do this one favor for you ugh

why didnt u get much sleep last night


... next question

why did u pick that method to distract me

mi amor

thought a personal question would make u put ur guard up

which would make u more awake

work smarter not harder


i'll give u that, it worked

mi amor

whats the answer tho

i am slightly curious



mi amor

well maybe thats not the word

idk if there is a word for it actually

a mix between curiosity and concern?


why would u be concerned lol

mi amor

idk maybe u have insomnia

im just caring for u


well thank u

but i am not answering

mi amor


well let's hang out today after school

or at school


and get followed around by ur fangirls?

and probably socially damaged by them?

no thanks i want to stay invisible at this school

mi amor

well whatever

after school then



mi amor

or i mean i could just eat 2 bowls of my mum's specialty ramen all by myself... i guess...


i hate that u know how to persuade me

mi amor

but is it working this time


ofc it is u idiot

mi amor


so u talk to me for the food huh

u just using me for food?

read 12:51pm


u left me on read as well



omg sorry i fell asleep

i just woke up cos the bell rang lol

u clearly failed ur job

mi amor

well sorry i tried to respect ur boundaries LMAO

so i'll meet u by the gates after school?


its not true btw

and yes

mi amor

whats not true


that i use u for food

the food is good but i actually really


mi amor

... okay, i'll pick u up by the gates. see you then

After school, Atsumu was waiting by the gates as he had promised, bag slung over one shoulder. "Y/n," he called, waving the girl over in his direction.

Y/n checked if anyone was watching before running over to Atsumu. She was still paranoid about Atsumu's fangirls attacking her for being friends with such a well-loved boy, but she was growing less and less worried about it as time went on.

Eyeing Atsumu, Y/n noticed a few changes in his appearance. For one thing, he wasn't wearing the school uniform - rather, he had already gotten changed into PE clothes.

"Do you have volleyball at some point today?" Y/n questioned him, to which he nodded.

"Later at night, though. Don't worry, we can hang out all day~!"

The female student made a rude gesture at him. "Gross. Like I'd want to. I'm just coming for the ramen."

Atsumu raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh yeah? But you said you don't hang out with me for the food, Y/n-chan. You're a liar."

"I'm not! I wasn't lying about that! I like hanging out with you!" Y/n blurted, only stopping herself after the words had left her mouth. 

A pink blush swept across Atsumu's cheeks. He turned away from her to hide his red face. "Do you? Well... That's..." he stammered, trying to gather himself together. Y/n glared at her shoes in embarrassment, blushing too. 

After Atsumu had finally got himself together, he began walking in the direction of his house. "Well, then. Shall we go and enjoy my mother's ramen?"


another hangout! and also this was kinda cute dont u think? anyways they're BESTIES ASF. bestie vibes only. yaknowww ;)

qotd: whats the prettiest language in your opinion? in my opinion, i love spanish, japanese and french. all of them sound really nice to my ears. hbu?

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