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Atsumu helped Y/n out of the car, treating her like a princess from a foreign country. The pair of them looked ridiculously good together, both of them dressed up in casual yet gorgeous attire. Y/n's dress paired well with Atsumu's layered outfit, which consisted of a button-up shirt which exposed some skin on his chest and a pair of shorts. The both of them looked summery, like they'd just gotten back from a trip to the beach and now were dining out at an expensive restaurant.

They entered the restaurant and some heads turned towards them. All of the the other customers at the restaurant were adults. Y/n marveled at how Atsumu was able to afford this.

"Table for two?" the waitress asked, guiding them to a table in the corner of the restaurant. The pair took a seat, Y/n gazing past Atsumu at the view outside of the window. 

"This place is so pretty, Tsumu," she murmured.

The boy smiled softly at her. "Let's get some food before the movie."

Y/n ordered a simple pasta that was the cheapest option on the menu, and Atsumu decided to order a steak. They made light conversation as they waited on their food, and when the food arrived they tucked in.

"This is so good!" Y/n exclaimed in between mouthfuls.

"Right?" Atsumu agreed, chewing his steak. "It's my favourite restaurant."

"You have good taste."

After finishing their meal, Atsumu checked his watch. "We should leave now if we want to reach the cinema in time," he said, pushing his chair back and standing up. He paid at the counter and then they both left to drive to the cinema, Y/n with a strange feeling in her chest.

The Demon Slayer movie was good, but Y/n found that she couldn't focus. This was weird, because she was obsessed with Demon Slayer, but with Atsumu sitting next to her, she found herself constantly glancing at him.

The drive from the cinema was filled with Y/n's excited chatter about the movie. She was rambling a lot, which was usually a sign of nervousness. She hardly noticed when Atsumu pulled up to his driveway instead of dropping her off first.

"Uh, Tsumu, are you making me walk home or something?" Y/n asked, her grin faltering.

"Actually, I had this idea," Atsumu replied, parking the car and opening his door. "Trust me, it's a good one."

Y/n opened her door, wary, and followed Atsumu into his house, where he grabbed a single blanket that was big enough for at least five people. It looked more like a tarp than a blanket, given its size. 

Atsumu didn't say a word as he left his house using the back door, walked a couple of meters into the middle of his back yard, laid down the blanket, and laid on top of it.

"Um... What are you doing?" Y/n asked, standing awkwardly a few feet away.

"Are you an idiot? Come, there's plenty of space," the boy patted the blanket beside him. She hesitated before lying down beside Atsumu, staring at the sky.

Now, she realized what he was doing. The dark sky was lit with constellations, stars scattered in every direction for as far as she could see. Some were bright, some were dim, some were big, some were small, but all of them came together to make a beautiful sky of stars.

The pair of them didn't say any words for another half an hour; instead, they immersed themselves in thought and let themselves be comfortable with each other's presence.

Eventually, Atsumu rolled over to face Y/n, a small smile written on his face.

"Y/n, tonight was the best night I've had in so long."

The girl glanced at him, turning her head to face him. "It was for me, too."

"I think we're both stressed."

Y/n smiled and looked back at the stars. "Moments like this makes me forget it, though."

Suddenly, she felt a hand on the side of her face, pushing it gently to face Atsumu's. His eyes sparkled with a million stars as he whispered,

"You're so beautiful."


mmmmmmmffmffffffhhfhhfhhhhfhh IM SO SINGLE IM GONNA CRY IM GONNA SOB...

guys lemme tell you about this guy i know through volleyball. so let me describe him because he is SO HOT. he's about my height, he has dark FLUFFYYYY hair, he's got a lean build so hes not super muscular or fat or any of those things, he has the prettiest brown eyes and he has an EAR PIERCING... LIKE DAMN... and to top it all off, he's also a setter. not so sure abt his personality, i have memories of him yelling at me (not aggressively but its still kind of funny to me) but i dont think he vapes or smokes so at least thats something lol no offense to anyone who does those things! i just dont find it attractive. anyways hes so out of my league it hurts but thats ok at least i have suna

qotd: if you played volleyball - or if you do already - what position would you play? i play volleyball and im a setter, although today i had a very off day at training. my backsets weren't doing so good. oh well tho im usually okay so its prolly just a bad day... hbu?

UPDATE ON VOLLEYBALL GUY [written significantly after this chapter was written]


he got a haircut tho :')

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