Chapter 16

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The rest of the drive went by nice. We belted out to our favorite songs, laughed, and smiled the whole way there. It was like for a few hours we could pretend that everything was okay. Like we were normal.

We get to our airbnb in San Francisco after a long drive, and we all carry our things into our rooms before meeting up in the living room.

"My joints are stiff." Cameron groans.

"Seriously. Is this what it feels like to be old?" Dylan asks, stretching his limbs.

"I'm tired." I laugh, yawning.

"Well it's too late to do anything now. So should we eat dinner and rest? Tomorrow we can start the fun." Ethan wraps his arms around me from behind.

"That sounds good. We brought food to make, so I can cook tonight." Callie smiles, happily running off to the kitchen, Cameron following suit.

"Let's sit and relax, baby." Ethan whispers into my ear while pulling me onto his lap as he sits down on the couch.

"You guys want to watch something while we wait?" Lorena asks, sitting on the love seat with Dylan.

"Sure." Ethan nods.

Lorena grabs the remote and switches on the TV. She goes through the endless amount of channels before selecting Sponge Bob.

"Sponge Bob?" Dylan laughs. "Of all the shows, you pick this one?" He teases.

"Yes, yes I did." She grins. "Got a problem with it?"

"Not at all." Dylan smiles, leaning down and kissing her.

"Gross!" I yell, making Ethan laugh.

"What do you mean 'gross'?" She pulls away, gaping at me. "I dealt with this from Callie and you two! You have no right to say that." We all laugh and I put my hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." I grin.

Dinner goes by fast, the majority of the time was spent silent, all of us just tired and wanting to go to bed since we were in the car for so long.

"I can wash the dishes." I offer, standing up and beginning to collect the dirty plates and utensils.

"What? No, go rest. I'll clean up." Lorena forcibly takes the dishes from me and I frown.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods.

"I'll help." Dylan stands up, grabbing half of the dishes and taking them to the sink.

"Okay. We're going to bed then. Goodnight guys." Callie stands up, Cameron walking behind her.

"I guess we will too. Goodnight." I smile, holding Ethan's hand and walking to our room.

The two of us quickly shower before getting into bed. I turn off the lamp that sits on the nightstand and turn around, facing my boyfriend. As soon as we make eye contact, a smile takes over his features. He reaches out, cupping my cheek and my expression starts to match his.

"Can you believe how far we've come?" He asks, making me chuckle.

"What do you mean?" I don't think we've really accomplished anything.

"We went from complete instant lovers. We had bad arguments- we've already been through so much. And now you're pregnant. I'm going to be a dad! And you, a mom! Isn't that crazy? I know it scares you, and to be completely honest it scares me too. But I know that I am going to do my best to be the most amazing dad ever. And I just know you'll be a great mom. God, I can't wait until we're married- I cant wait until we're out of school! I just want to spend the rest of my life with you." He gives me a soft smile and my heart just absolutely melts.

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