Happy Birthday

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Let's update this bad boy; Happy Birthday nightmare597 ! Hm- here's my crappy present that I totally didn't almost delete because of how horrible it looks. I'm dissatisfied, I'm prob gonna update this with a better one in...

*checks calendar*

I'll update it when I manage to get rid of my procrastination lmao

Also uh- have a meme and to anyone else reading this, here's a recipe on how to make caramel

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Also uh- have a meme and to anyone else reading this, here's a recipe on how to make caramel.

I totally didn't just find this in my screenshots and forgot why I even have a screenshot about how to make caramel

I totally didn't just find this in my screenshots and forgot why I even have a screenshot about how to make caramel

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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