Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Alex POV

I didn't normal hate pack meetings, especially ones of such importance as this. however this meeting was starting to get on my nerves and it has only been 10 minutes. This was keeping me away from my mate and my wolf was getting annoying with his constant whining and whimpering. He would be lucky if we even had a mate to go back to after the stunt that he pulled and even if she some how managed to forgive us I am not sure I will even let him touch her for a long time.

"Alpha." Noah my Beta's voice ripped me out of my thoughts "What do you intend on doing about the rouge attacks?"

I sighed. A couples of rouges have been attacking our border patrols for the last few weeks, the attacks have not caused any major harm to my wolves, nothing but a few bits a bruises. However the attacks are becoming more frequent and more rouges are joining in on the attacks. I had to put a stop to them before they got any worse. I looked back out to all the fighters in my pack their was over two hundred of us. I had a strong and large pack. I was know for how successful my pack was when it came to a fight although I have not had a major fight since I was only in charge of training the younger wolves in our pack. I knew that my pack would be able to handle anything that the rouges could dish out. "Noah, I want a group of thirty of scouts have them search a 25 mile radius. I don't want they to attack, just locate the buggers. once we know the location and the number of rogues we have on our hands, we will set up an ambush and finish them."

"Sure thing Alpha." Noah said taking out his phone and started to text to the scouts in our pack.

I turned back to my pack and smiled "Thank you for coming to the meeting at such short notice. I do have something else for you all to know." all my wolves looked at each other before looking intently at me "However it would be more appropriate for the whole pack to any be present and for this threat to be dealt with. Without any further delay, return to your mates and families. Meeting over." with that they all stood and left some eager to go to their mates other to go back to bed.

Sighing I turned and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat and for my mate, who I hope is still a sleep my father could be a little over whelming at the best of times.

I walked along my halls I never realised how large my home really was. I hope that Rhea would not get lost. my pack was an inviting one so they would help her with that ever she needed but I doubt that she would ask or even accept their help. We where just a bunch of strangers. Maybe when she has made a few friends she would warm up to being a part of my pack and its alpha female. a hand gripped my arm ripping me from my thoughts.

"Alex, Dude, what's going man? I have been calling you since you left the hall." my beta said scowling at me. Noah has been my best friend since we were kids. He was almost the same height as me that is just because of his blood line. he has come from a long line a of beta's. The rest of subordinates and omegas are at least four inches shorter than Noah. No one is the same height as me not even my own father. Noah being my best friend knows everything about me much to my displeasure.

"Sorry Noah, my mind is else where." I gave him a smile. He crossed his arm, this only meant he was not leaving until he had  his answers. I sighed "You hungry?'" he smiled


we entered the kitchen where our maids where working. walking up to the fridge I crabbed us both a massive sub sandwich and to beer to wash it down. we headed to my study which was near the entrance of my home.

The one thing that I love about Noah was that when we were alone he did not give a crap that I was the alpha. he treated me and my things like any other guy would. as we strolled into my office. he dropped himself down onto the lazy boy that sat in the centre of my office while I lay down on the leather couch that matched the lazy boy. I stared at my sandwich in my hand before choosing my beer instead. I ripped of the cap and down the strong liquid before Noah could even take a bite out of his sandwich. Looking down into the empty bottle I smile.

I chuckled " Noah, I found her. I found my mate." I looked up my best friend, my beta. his mouth filled with foo and hanging half open

"You what..."

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