Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Rhea POV

My heart froze. I was going to meet the pack, more people that I didn’t know. I looked at Alex and back to his mother. 

“Um… I don’t think that is the best idea…” I stuttered. My heart moves up into my throat and hammering in my ears.

“Of course it’s a good idea sweetheart, the pack is going to be thrilled to meet their new alpha female. I have so much to teach about being an Alpha Female” Lu said clapping her hands.

Alex tightened his arm around my waist “Mater, non potest Rhea iustus, consueuerint ad esse lupus ante nos per eam in Alpha Partes quas.”

I looked at Alex and back to his mother.

“Oh hush, Alexander, I am sure that Rhea is more than happy to step into the Alpha Role. She will need to be able to run the pack with you as soon as possible.” Lu smiled at me, her eyes almost forcing me to stay silent and agree with her.

I could not run a pack I didn’t know the first thing about being a wolf never mind being in a pack or running one for that matter. I could not let down the whole pack. I have no idea how to lead a bunch of werewolves; I could not even lead my human orienteering group in year 10. I could not lead a pack there was just no way. I could feel my hands starting to shake, my breath coming in quicker.


Alex POV

I can’t believe my mother was force Rhea into the Alpha Female role. I could feel Rhea shaking, Titan was growling inside of me. He didn’t like that Rhea was scared any more than I did. I could feel him pushing at my skin trying to be released so he could protect our mate better.

‘Alex, make your mother shut up, before I rip her apart.”

‘Titan, I am trying.’ I looked over my mother trying to get into her mind but she was not letting me in.

“Oh, sweet heart it’s not that hard all you have to do is make sure that everyone in the pack is happy, make sure that all the accounts are paid, the gardens are tended to…” I could feel Rhea’s heart rate increase and I could smell the fear seeping from her pours.

“Mom will you shut up.” Mother looked at me with her mouth hang wide open


Hey guys sorry for the long wait.

Hope you all enjoy it



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Girl You Don't Know OUT ;)

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