The Cloud of Darkness

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Nya: Lloyd! (The ninja watch Lloyd as he dives into the city.)

Zane: The camera beam. Come on! (The ninja run to see Lloyd's progress you walk up there and watch with them.) He opened his parachute.

Nya: (Sees tentacles in the camera.) What are those?

Kai: They look like... tentacles.

Cole: (Shouts in disgust.) Ulgh. That's one of the things that grabbed my foot. Ewulgh. It was terrible.

(Lloyd lands on the ground, takes off his parachute, and puts the sword behind his back. Lloyd starts to choke on the air. Garmadon summons his dark power. Lloydstarts to choke on the air. Garmadon summons his dark power. Lloyd continues to choke, gasping for air.)

Nya: Oh, no! (Lloyd continues to gasp for air.)

Cole: We have to get him out of there.

Zane: Wait. (Lloyd recovers and continues walking.) Look!

Nya: (Sighs, relieved.) He's okay. (Everyone sighs, relieved.)

Lloyd: (Walks up to his father.) I-I'm okay.

Garmadon: Hmm. That was foolish. You are fortunate to have survived.

Lloyd: Like you care.

(Lloyd and Garmadon start walking down the street towards Borg Tower. Occasionally, lanterns flicker light, then die out. Lloyd finds himself looking at people that were turned to stone, unable to escape the darkness.)

Lloyd: (Gasps.) Oh, no! Dr. Borg! Can you hear me? Cyrus!

Nya: Oh, Pix. (P.I.X.A.L. gasps.) It's your father.

Garmadon: He has fallen into darkness.

Lloyd: What does that mean? (Waves his hand in front of Cyrus Borg.) Is he still alive?

Garmadon: Yes, but in a deep slumber. Nothing you do will wake him.

Lloyd: Well, there has to be something. He's my friend. (Decides to take him.) Grab his legs.

Garmadon: (Disgustingly) What?

Lloyd: Grab his legs, I'll get his arms. If we can get him back to the temple, maybe Wu can get him a potion or something.

Garmadon: (Continues walking away.) Only the destruction of the Realm Crystal can save him now.

Lloyd: Hey. (Runs up to Garmadon.) Hey! (Stops him.) Ninja don't leave friends behind.

Garmadon: First, I am not a ninja. Second, I'm not a fool. And third, there are Oni out there, and we won't have a chance against them, if we're dragging a friend along like a human suitcase! So, you better decide, do you want to win or claim to your foolish ideals and perish? (Walks away)

Lloyd: you'd do it for her!

(Garmadon stops walking and rises Lloyd up with his powers)

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