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—"HEY GUYS wait up!" you shouted as you jogged towards you two friends. "oh hey we were looking for you y/n" hide replied as you approached them. kaneki greeted you with a warm smile. a smile you deeply love seeing.

"sorry , my teacher delayed me like always" you said as you walked next to kaneki. "of course he would,thats why no one likes him" kaneki said with a small chuckle. you responded with one too.

"i was hoping we could stop by anteiku" kaneki said , killing the awkward silence the group had for a while. "why do you always want to go there?" hide groaned. "well i really like their coffee" kaneki argued . "is it because you want to see that girl?" hide teased.

that last word made you stop , you felt a chill down your spine . you don't understand why but it made you feel sick . "umm.. y/n is everything alright?" hide looked at you with a questionable face.
"girl...? what girl? you guys never mentioned this to me before" you said with a soft voice .

you looked at kaneki who sighed , he pressed his lips together as he looked at hide. hide gave him a sort of  'tell her' look. "i actually like this really beautiful girl , i was trying to see if i have a chance with her" kaneki said with a straight face , avoiding eye contact with you.

"wow and you guys didn't tell me?" you were offended because the group always tell each other everything , or you thought so . "how long have you liked this girl? have you even talked to her?!" you started walking again. "apparently this chick made eye contact with kaneki and they both exchange a smile" hide laughed. "hey i'm not lying we really did!" both of your friends started jokingly arguing with each other.

you didn't pay attention to them though , you zooned out instead. you guys knew each other since kids , the contract you guys made as little kids strictly said 'no secrets whatsoever' . maybe you were overreacting it , but no , it wasn't that . was it possible you liked kaneki without even realizing it?

"hey! you've been so quiet what's up?" kaneki questioned you as he grabbed your arm . you noticed you were a little more ahead than them. "oh yeah sorry , so are we going to the cafe?" you said with a warm smile. kaneki looked at hide to see if he would stick with the group and he shrugged .

"yeah we are going let's go" he said , trying his best to cover up the excitement he had deep inside his body. the three of y'all started speed walking to anteiku. you almost tripped but luckily hide caught you by the arm. "hey be careful loser" he smiled at you. "heh thank you."


after being sat down on a table for a good 5 minutes , a girl walked into the cafe , she had beautiful long purple hair along with a white dress and some glasses. hide got close to you "that's the girl" he whispered. you pressed your lips together. "mm" you replied.

kaneki was already blushing , when the girl sat down far away from y'all he finally spoke. "isn't she just beautiful" . "i mean she is but i doubt you got a chance with her, right y/n" hide said elbowing you.
you didn't know whether to be mean and agree with hide or take kaneki side , even though it hurts. "uh.. i mean i don't know until you give it a shot" , you cringed at what you just said.


it was finally 8pm , you reached your lonesome house . your mom wasn't home since she was out of town for a business trip . you dropped your school bag on the floor . "ugh such a long day of holding that" you groaned as you walked towards the kitchen. you looked in the fridge hoping you will find your f/f , but sadly you were all out of it. you groaned even louder.

i guess i'll just have some cereal for tonight...

"man it's so depressing in this house ... i really miss mother" you said out loud to yourself as you poured milk . you sat down on your couch and watched netflix.

as you were halfway done with your food , you heard a knock on your window. "what the hell? who could that be..." you quickly grabbed your phone and saw that it was almost 9pm. "why so late?" . you approached your window moved the curtain out the way . just to be greeted with a familiar face.



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𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - KEN KANEKI x READER (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now