Chapter 1

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Fitz scanned his newspaper and flipped to the page with the little bookmark sticking out of it. He looked up at the girl he was supposed to be observing. That was definitely her. Her class group started to walk away but she held back.

"Is this you?" Fitz asked. She nodded. He squinted at her, probably freaking her out. Yup, they were definitely, most certainly, without a doubt, brown. 

"I didn't realize your eyes were brown." He winced. Way to be a creep!

"Are you in this class?" the girl asked. Fitz relaxed a little. At least she wasn't running away. He stared at the statue thing of what humans assumed was an Albertosaurus.

"What do you think they look like?" the girl-Sophie- wondered when he asked if she really thought they looked like that.

"Never mind. It's nice to meet you, I'll let you get back to your class." Fitz said, laughing a little. And then a crowd of kindergartners entered the exhibit. They high-pitched, needle-like thoughts felt like they were piercing Fitz's brain and he winced. Then he realized that Sophie had done the same.

"Did you just hear that?" he asked her in a hushed voice. She gasped and took a step away from him.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

Fitz ignored her and leaned closer to ask, "Are you a Telepath?" She flinched, and that was all he needed. "You are! Wow, I don't believe it!" 

"It's okay," he told her when she started backing away. "You don't have to be afraid. I'm one too." Sophie froze. "I'm Fitz." he added stepping a little bit closer. Don't scare her away, don't scare her away. "I'm not joking, we've been looking for you for twelve years." Aaaaand he lost her. She turned on her heel and ran. Fitz sighed and sprinted after her.

"Sophie wait!" he called. "You don't have to be afraid!" And then one of the big metal machines almost plowed into her. It swerved and hit a pole, causing the light on the top to drop, straight into Sophie's path. Fitz turned away. He couldn't look. But no crash came. When he turned around, the lantern was floating above her. She had used telekinesis. Fitz gasped. He rushed over.

"Put it down." he told her. She dropped her arm, sending the light back onto its course. Fitz lunged, yanking her out of the way, his chest cushioning her landing. "How did you do that?" he asked, panting.

"I have no idea." She sat up. Then, Fitz saw the look in the driver's eyes.

"We have to get out of here." He told her, getting to his feet.

"He saw." Sophie said, backing away from the driver. Fitz grabbed her hands.

"Let's get out of sight." he said, pulling her up from where she had been sitting. "Which way?"  he asked when they came to a crossroad thing. She pointed in one direction. He nodded and off they went. 

When they reached a place where a bunch of cars were, she asked, "What do you what?"

"I'm here to help, I promise you." he told her, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"Why were you looking for me?"

"I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to tell you."

"Why should I trust you if I don't?"

Fitz considered it and sighed. "Fine. My dad sent me to find you, or some girl who fits your age and I was only supposed to observe and then report back to him, just like normal. I was never supposed to talk to you." He frowned and studied her. "I just didn't get it, you don't make sense."

"What does that mean?" she asked, sounding slightly offended.

"We all have blue eyes." Fitz answered. "When I saw your's, I thought I had made a mistake. But I didn't. You're really... one of us." Fitz said, careful not to reveal too much before she was ready.

"What do you mean, 'one of us'" she asked, starting to back away yet again.

"Okay, Sophie." he said, giving up on trying to ease into it. "We're... not human."

She laughed. "Not human. Right. Sure." She started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Fitz asked, jogging to catch up with her.

"You're insane!" Sophie told him, kicking a rock and stomping away.

"I'm telling the truth!" he cried, running to catch up with her again. All right, time to pull out the big guns. Fitz pulled her behind a bush and took a deep breath, concentrating on staying absolutely still. "Can humans do this?" he asked, using blinking to vanish momentarily. Her eyes went wide.

"I can't do that." she whispered.

"You can with the proper training," he said to her. "Just remember that pole a few minutes ago.

"So... I'm an alien?" she wondered. Fitz burst out into laughter. It probably wasn't very nice, but he couldn't help it.

"No," he told her after a minute of laughter. "You're an elf."

Then it was her turn to start laughing. "An elf?" 

Fitz sighed. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"Did you think I would?"

"I guess not." he replied, running his hands through his hair.

"Okay," Sophie said. "I'm an elf." Then she rattled off a bunch of nonsense, probably about what humans thought elves were. Fitz felt his lips starting to form a smile, as he pulled out his pathfinder.

"Do you want me to show you?" he asked her.

"Oh sure, this'll be good." she told him, crossing her arms. "Is that your magic wand?"

"No, it's a pathfinder." He spun the crystal to the right facet and locked it in. "This can be dangerous. Do exactly as I tell you to. Promise me." He waited.

"What do I have to do?" Sophie asked.

"Just take my hand and concentrate. Don't think of anything else, I mean it. Do you think you can do that?" 


Fitz sighed for what had to be at least then 10th time in about 15 minutes. "Do you want me to show you or not?" She stood there for a moment, then took his hand. He glanced over his shoulder.

"Okay, no one's here. We go on three."

"What happens on three?" He shot her a warning look, earning himself a scowl.


He tightened his grip on her hand. 


He raised the crystal up to the light and stepped towards the path.

"Three!" Then, he pulled her into the light, taking the soon-to-be most powerful elf the world had ever seen to the place where she belonged.

-Soooo yeah. I lied. I said I was going to start this story on March 1st, but it ended up being the day after I published the last chapter of my other story, Keeper of the Lost Cities: Forbidden. If this is the first story of mine that you've read, here's a bit of an introduction. I'm Daisy of daisy_cooper02. It's a duo account, read our bio story thing. Next. I publish chapters of my story every weekday, and as I mentioned before, I have another story called Keeper of the Lost Cities: Forbidden, which is what I think the next book is going to be about after Unlocked. The link to this story is in the last chapter of that story. I think that's all I have to say for now, until next time! Daisy------> out

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