Project Perfect

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16 years ago

            Ear shattering sirens sliced through the silent night, waking up the people in the area. Mothers rushed from their beds to get the children while the Fathers rushed to spare rooms, grabbing the bags that had been stuffed full of surprises. The once peaceful and quite city was now in a state of panic, everyone rushing out of their homes with children, pets, and supplies. The sound of the sirens continued, and to the people below it sounded like they were getting louder and louder.

            Armed soldiers in uniform pulled up in their jeeps, yelling out orders to the civilians, pointing them in the direction they needed to go. With panic building up the civilians became more frantic, trying to push past the soldiers, no longer caring for the safety of those around them. Cries of pain shout out from the few that were tripped to the ground, being stamped upon in the rush of the crowed. The voices of the soldiers rose, their gun shots ringing out in the night air as they tried to coral the people towards the vaults awaiting them. The crowed rushed towards the vaults, everyone wanting to get in even though only a selected few would be allowed inside each of them.

            A loud, ground shaking bang sounded through the air above all the other noise. Everyone fell silent, even the siren seemed to have stopped. Slowly heads turned to watch the sky. Swirling clouds spread apart, moving like waves, their color changing to that of the flames of hell. A large shell like object fell through the separating clouds, rushing straight for the ground, for the city that was two cities over from the one these people lived in. The impact of the shell hitting the ground they did not feel, but what they saw next is what sent them into frenzy.

            A bright light erupted from the spot of impact, fire and smoke swooping up from the ground, making the shape of a giant mushroom. The debris and flame at the base shot away, heading to the next few towns and cities, heading for them. Screams of panic and the cries of young babes rang out, the panic raising more than it had been. Fights broke out over who could enter and who could not, some men killing in order to take the dead’s place.

            A young girl, barley a year old clung to her mother’s blouse, staring out at the large mushroom cloud in wonder, not knowing that it held her death. Cold air nipped at her exposed face when her mother entered vault number fourteen, they were the last to enter. As the doors to the vault slowly closed she turned he grey eyes up to the sky above, watching as the clouds spread apart and a shell fell from above. Heading straight down to the panicking and unsuspecting crowed below.


This will be slpit into two parts, I originally wanted it to be two books or three, but realised the first one would probably be way to short... Hope you like it :)

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