Chapter One;

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A/n; So, there will be three books, all of them will hold two parts. This is the first part, Project Perfect. Second part will be Project Truth. I hope you enjoy it :)



Peaceful silence had fallen over the small city once the sun had gone down. Children were curled up in their warm beds fast asleep; parents either joined them, or were doing late night work. The city sat at the base of a mountain, safe from some of the world’s harsher elements. At the base of the mountain, a few miles away from the city, were vaults that had been built in. They were large enough to fit roughly fifty people inside them, and had been stocked with enough materials to last fifty years. The inside was all metal, to protect whoever was inside from the radiation that would come. But these vaults were all empty, and had never been open.

            Bright grey eyes stared out the window of one of the home in the city, staring out at the vaults. These eyes belonged to Kylene, who had always been curious of the vaults and why they were even there. All the lights in the homes in the city went out one by one, but hers remained on, giving a soft warm glow through her window.

            Like a curious animal, she tilted her head to the side, sending her light blond locks over her shoulder. She was lost in her thoughts, all of them revolving around the vaults. Every part of her itched to sneak out, and to go and find a way to get inside, but whenever she built up the courage to do so something, some unknown force, kept her from doing it.

            A knock at her bedroom door brought her from her thoughts, turning her head she watched as her mother poked her head into the room. A sweet smile came to her mother’s pink lips, her green eyes sparkling with untold excitement.

            “Ky, you should get to bed. You have an exciting day tomorrow.” She said before closing the door, she could hear her footsteps fade away.

            ‘An exciting day’ is what her mother always said to her, every night, and every day. Sometimes it felt like she was a broken record, repeating the same things. Kylene slipped away from the window, her bare feet barley making a sound on the soft carpet as she made her way over to her bed. Pulling back her covers, she crawled under them and sighed in content at the new warmth.  Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift away into sleep, knowing her dreams would hold what they usually did, nightmares.

            The cries of babes and scared children echoed of the walls of the tight space. There was no room to breathe, and air was running out. Adults were growing restless and angry towards those who could not keep their children silent, snapping at them to take care of it, and ended up inly making everything worse.

            “Please open the doors! We have young children in here, you can’t let them die!” A woman cried out to the closed doors in front of them, her hold on her daughter tightening. Tears ran down the woman’s face at the thought of her child having no future, “Have a heart!” She cried out louder.

            A man a few feet behind her sneered at her and the grey eyed child, “Shut up already, they don’t care about us. I’m sure that if they had had the choice they would have left us outside to die like the others. They don’t care about you or you or that damned child.”

            A few people around the man snapped at him to shut up, that he had no idea what he was talking about. The woman just ignored his words, tightening her hold on the child even more. She buried her face in her daughter’s blonde hair, whispering apologies to her, for not being able to protect her like she had promised to do.

            As the remaining minutes ticked passed, all hope faded, cries and pleas for help stopping, till only sniffles ,of those crying could be heard. Mechanical sounds filled the room, bringing all of their eyes up and to the doors, watching as they finally slid open. Armed soldiers wearing bulky armor and gas masks stood in the door way, armed with weapons that they would use if needed. One of them stepped forward to address the crowed of people.

            “Move the children forward and hand them over, they will be taken to a detox room. Once they are done we will come back for the rest of you.” His voice held full authority, some of the parents not hesitating to hand over their children.

            The man from before stepped forward, glaring at the solider, “How do we know we can trust you? We’ve been waiting for ever for you to fucking show up and when you do you ask for the damn children!? Do you job and help those that actually have a fighting chance!”

            “Sir, stand down.” The solider spoke softly.

            “Fuck you!” The man yelled, spitting at the solider.

            Within in that split second the solider lifted up his weapon and fired. The man’s body jerked from the impact of the bullets, falling dead to the ground once that solider had finished firing. A pool of blood formed under the man, his dull eyes staring up at the ceiling. The soldier put his gun back in place and looked at the crowed.

            “I won’t say it again, hand the children over.”

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