Chapter 22.

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Being at the water fall with Harry has been the most peaceful time I've had. A part of me was sad that my mother and I didn't share anything like him and his mom. My mother started drugs when she was pregnant with me. I remember when I was younger she told me she didn't want to feel anymore that her life had no meaning. My grandmother was harsh on my mother growing up at least that's the story I've been told by my aunt. My Aunt Rebecca was always the good child, she had the perfect grades, the perfect attendances record and was a princess to my grandmother. In my grandmothers eye my mom was nothing but a mistake which is how I felt. My mother wasn't in my life which had a huge affect on my life. I never got to experience a mother daughter bond like all the girls in my school. My aunt did as much as she could to be a perfect role model in my life but that part of me was still missing. I never got the chance to meet my father or even get his name. My mother never spoke of him unless she was drunk yelling about how he was a worthless piece of shit that left me with her.

I knew deep down inside I was a mistake. Majority of my life sucked right up until I met Evie. I had just switched schools when my aunt took me away from my mother telling her to clean up her act. I had to switch High Schools in the middle of the year everything changing quickly. The first day of school I kept to myself not talking to anyone. I remember during lunch time I went out to the football field and sat underneath the bleachers eating my lunch in quiet until Evie popped up looking at me all alone. I remember her asking if I was the knew girl and she smiled telling me were gonna be the best of friends. Evie didn't hang with many people either which made our friendship tight like a knot. Evie changed my world and saved me from a lot of emotional abuse, she's my person and always will be.

My train of thoughts were interrupt when Harry snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked not hearing a single thing he said to me.

"I asked if you were close to your mom?" He said giving me a look of confusion. My face was pale, the rosiness from my cheeks escaping as it felt like bricks hit me.

"I don't wanna talk about her." I mumbled playing with the soft grass beside me. It pained me to think of her but actually talking about her felt like knives in my chest. She was nothing to me, she wasn't a mother just a women who gave me life. I know that's harsh but it's the truth I didn't have parents or a family.

"Why not?" He breathed out as I felt my hands tighten into a fist. If anything got me mad it was my feelings about her.

"Because I said so Harry." I snapped getting off the ground putting my flats onto my feet. I watched as he got up picking the blanket up and folding it. He placed it inside the basket picking it off the ground. I gave him a glare as I pushed past him walking down the trail. My feet stomped against the dirt path a head of Harry as he walked behind. I don't get why he always had to be nosy with things in my life he wasn't my boyfriend. 

The walk back to the car was a lot quicker than when we got there. Maybe it was because I was so annoyed I was speed walking. Today could have been a good day if he would have just kept his mouth shut I thought. I opened the passenger door slamming it shut as I leaned against the window crossing my legs. I heard him open the trunk assuming he was putting the basket there. I heard him slam it shut like he was mad. The car made a beeping sound as he got in a big sigh escaping his lips.

"Angel." He mumbled the simple word hoping I would turn and look at him but I didn't. I kept quiet my knees facing away from him as I ignored him. I heard the car turn on as my eyes watched outside the window, the beautiful view leaving my eyes as we headed onto the road. The car ride was silent not even the sound of music playing, I knew he wanted me to be the first to say something but I didn't. The ride felt long as we both just sat here, the only sound from our breathing. Soon the sky started to turn a gray, the clouds a deep color as droplets of water hit the windshield. I guess it was a good thing we left or we would have been soaked. The rain hit against the glass as I watched the windshield wipers moving against it. The heat coming out the vents hitting my skin.

"Are you done?" I heard his deep voice from the side of me. I felt my body getting heated at his choice of words. How could he ask that.

"Excuse me?" I snapped picking my head off the cold glass looking at him. He didn't tear his eyes off the road.

"I said are you done." He spit out his mood annoyed. I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to the cabin. I waited for the car to be in park before I got out slamming it shut making sure he knew I wasn't done. I ran up to the front door hearing his car door slam shut. The loud sound of thunder filled the air as the storm rolled in. I wanted to hurry and get upstairs so I didn't have to be near him anymore. I pushed the front door open going to slam it shut in his face but before I could do so his hand pressed against the door pushing it open, as he stood there soaked from the rain.

"Slam one more thing Julia I swear to god." He snapped shutting the front door behind him just inches away from me.

"Leave me alone Harry!" I yelled at him my voice being a lot higher than it normally is. I kicked my flats off placing my bare feet onto the cold wooden floor. The light filling the room.

"Why you being such a bitch!" He yelled at me causing me to snap my head at him.

"A bitch? Maybe you shouldn't be such an ass who always feels like he can pry inside my life knowing every little thing about me!" I screamed throwing my hands up as I yelled at him. I never yelled at him before which probably was shocking to him. He stepped into the living room with his muddy shoes still on his eyes dark as the veins in his neck popped out.

"I asked a simple question and you blew up! You're being a bitch because you have some problem with your mother. Well let me tell you something sweetheart, I'm not her so stop being so dramatic!" He yelled taking a step closer to me his words hitting me like glass. Dramatic was a word my mother used to say when she was drugged up or drunk. I felt the small water fill my eyes as I placed my fingers onto his chest pointing at him

"Who the hell do you think you are to call me dramatic!" I breathed out as the tears made my vision a little blurry. I heard him laughing at the fact my finger was pushing into him.

"You are dramatic angel. Looked at the tears that are forming." He smirked his eyes looking into my glossy ones. I groaned placing both my hands on his chest pushing him back slightly as I sniffed trying to wash away the tears.

"You're a complete ass! I hate you more than anything! You're worst than Damon!" I screamed out immediately regretting the words as they came out. I don't know why I compared the two when they were complete opposites. I saw his face soften a little at my choice of words like he was hurt that I compared him to a monster. His face went from soft to mad in a split second. I felt his warm hands grab onto my wrist pushing me down onto the sofa. I let out a gasp as he stood right in front of the sofa blocking the area so I couldn't leave. He looked down at me his eyes angry.

"Don't you ever fucking compare me to that piece of shit again." His voice was deeper than before making me a little scared. I gulped down the lump that was stuck in my throat before nodding my head slowly. His hands held onto my wrist pressing down. I could feel the bruises forming from his fingertips as he held tightly.

"H-harry you're hurting me." I whispered my wrist feeling the pain from him squeezing. He ignored me tightening his grip. My eyes filled with water again this time not holding them back. I felt them run down my cheeks as I sobbed on the sofa. My legs were shaking as my body filled with fear. I felt him let go of my wrist as I used my fingertips to run across the sore area. He didn't say anything as he walked out the room leaving me alone crying. I let out a deep breath of relief as I told my self to calm down. Next thing I know the lights go out, great the powers out.

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